Vølund Senior Steam Roller
The Danish mechanic F.A.H. Petersen established in 1875 a workshop in the street Borgergade in Copenhagen, in Denmark. In 1898 the workshop changed to a real factory named Vølund A/S. In 1921 moved the factory to a new place in the street Øresundsvej at Amager near to Copenhagen.
Damptromleklubben bought this steam roller in 1965 for the sum of DKK 700. The roller was transported to Taastrup, where it was dismantled for restoration. But there was some heavy corrosion in the smokebox, which demanded more work than the club could undertake. The roller re-assembled and painted in its original red colour.
On Tuesday the 20th of august 2002 Damptromleklubben delivered the Vølund Senior steamroller to Babcock & Wilcox Vølund in Esbjerg. Vølund has constructed and manufactured steamrollers, and has during the years shown a big interest in preserving the steamroller.
In the wekend 11th - 13th july 2008 Vølund Senior attended "Dampfestival in Vejle"