Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
St.Albans Steam and Vintage Show
Fowler no. 14425 SRL - Carry On - DP4418 at St.Albans 09 - IMG 1736
Fowler SRL Carry On at the 2009 Rally
Promoter Herts Steam Club Ltd
In aid of
Local industrial Preservation Society and Club Funds
Sponsors (main)
Date held on Last Weekend of May
Duration (days) 2
Venue Oakland College
Location St.Albans
County Hertfordshire
Country England
NTET Accredited YES
Attendance numbers
(approximate no.)
Next Event Date 2010
First Event was held in (year) ?
Last Event was held in (year)
No. of years held 43rd rally (2009)
New Site (Formerly at Leighton Buzzard)
Events Web Site

The St.Albans Steam and Vintage Show is held at the end of May, at Oaklands College St.Albans, Hertfordshire. The event was formerly the Leighton Buzzard Bypass Rally till its move to St. Albans in 2009. The Rally is organised by the Hertfordshire Steam Engine Preservation Society to raise money for local Industrial Preservation charities and good causes in the area with other local groups providing assistance with the gates, car parking etc..


The 2009 event was the 43rdh that has been held. The Oaklands College site was a new venue for the event as the former site by the Leighton Buzzard bypass was suffering from problems with waterlogged ground over the last few seasons, forcing the committee to find a new site with better ground conditions.

The event is run as a National Traction Engine Trust Authorised Event.

Exhibits and attractions[]

Exhibit classes:

2010 Event[]

Add details of the 2010 participants and exhibits here with your photos from the event, please

St.Albans Steam and Vintage Show/2010

2009 Event[]

St.Albans Steam and Vintage Show/2009

2009 Steam engines[]

List to be updated with attendees and photos from this rally

Steam Engines list
Exhibit no. Engine (make & No.) Name Type year built Reg no. Owner Photo Misc info
1 Allchin no. ? Clyde Road Locomotive 1914 AF 4478 P. Hyett, Oxfordshire 150px]]
? Aveling & Porter no. ? Chimaera Steam Roller 1911 Reg no. ? owner ? 150px]]
? Burrell no. ? Furious Showman's Engine 1918 Reg no. ? owner ? 150px]]
17 Foden no. ? - Steam tractor 1928 Reg no. ? owner ? 150px]]
? Fowler no. ? William Ploughing Engine 1869 Reg no. ? 150px]]
? Fowler no. ? Bacchus Road Roller 1931 Reg no.? owner ? 150px]]
24 Garrett no. ? MrPotter Traction engine 1913 Reg no. ? Owner ? 150px]]
? Marshall no. ? Emma Traction Engine 1913 Reg no. ? owner 150px]]
? Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies no. ? - Agricultural engine 1924 Reg no. ? J. Forshaw, Bedfordshire 150px]]
28 Ruston & Hornsby no. ? Moonlight Magic Steam roller 1929 Reg no. ? owner ? 150px]]
? Sentinel no. ? Shrewsbury Flyer Steam wagon 1934 reg no. ? owner collection 150px]]
? Tasker no. ? name ? Steam tractor (ex roller conversion) 1914 - M. Randall, Andover Hampshire 150px]]
? Wallis & Steevens no. ? Name ? Steam tractor 1930 Reg no. ? owner ? 150px]]

Steam models[]

A Number of 'Model' steam engines were present, but no details/photos were taken.

If you visited the show or your models were there please add details of them and photos below, thanks.

A number of half size (1/2 scale) models were also present along wit several smaller scall miniature engines.

  • Details to follow (or you can add your engine to the list if it was present at this event).

Commercial & Military vehicles[]

A number of interesting vehicles were present including these;

  • photos to follow later and a few others trucks besides.


A approximately 50 tractor were present (? listed in guide), with a few interesting implements as well. A few interesting examples were mixed in with the usual grey Fergy and Fordsons. A few were well restored examples while others were as found..

  • Details to follow. due to the over tight parking and lack of identifying entry numbers on some examples not all were photographed.
summary list to be replaced by table

List to be added from photo collection

Above list with more info to be transferred to the table below with photos
Tractor exhibit list
entry no. Make Model no. / type Reg no. Serial no. (if known) year built Owner Photo Misc info
? County County Super-4 Reg no. ? County no. ? ? owner ? 150px]] Fitted with winch
Add any other tractors from this event above here in Entry no order / ABC by make if no number
add more entries by copying block below and pasting in between entries 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images

- Make Model no. Reg no. ? Serial no Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images 150px]]

Past Events[]

This event was formerly known as the Leighton Buzzard Bypass Rally

Please add detail's of any past events if you visited with photos of the exhibits.

See also[]

References / sources[]

  • The show guide 2009

External links[]
