Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
For the Argentinian joint venture operation of automobiles, see Sevel Argentina S.A..

Sevel is an acronym used by PSA Peugeot Citroën and Fiat for a joint venture of factories building cars for both carmakers.

Formely, Alfa Romeo, Lancia and Talbot were also part of the joint venture.

Sevel Nord[]

Sevel Nord (from Société Européenne de Véhicules Légers) is a car factory near Valenciennes, France.

The factory builds:

Sevel Sud[]

Coordinates: 42°09′02″N 14°27′22″E / 42.150646°N 14.455991°E / 42.150646; 14.455991

Sevel Sud (from Società Europea Veicoli Leggeri) is a car factory at Atessa, Italy.

Production of the first generation Fiat Ducato started in 1981. Production capacity is 210,000 vehicles a year, with a total of 5,200 workers employed in the plant.


There is also another plant in Uruguay.

See also[]

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