The Saunders Stage Show - Living van, stage, organ and showmans engines read for the show to commence
Events [ ]
The Saunders Travelling Stage show appears at a number of steam rallies during the season April to October.
See also [ ]
v · d · e Showman's engines Steam wagons/Buses Agricultural & General Dept
Road loco
Burrell no. 3633 (Lord Kitchener) -
Portable by
Farmers Foundry -
Traction engine
Fowler no. 15629 (John Fowler/The Tiger) -
Ploughing engines
Fowler no. 14247 (Sunrise) -
Fowler no. 14248 (Sunset)
Fowler no. 17560 -
Steam tractor
Garrett no. 33488 -
Wallis & Steevens no. 7666 (Wheatsheaf)
Fairground organs
98 Key Gavioli Organ - 101 key Mortier Organ Organ in the Steam Yachts
Fairground rides Vintage vehicles Miniature Steam Engines Other items
Saunders Travelling Stage Show - Living vans - Fleet of classic low loaders
v · d · e
Events List
For diary see :-
Show and Events Diary (please add future events)
Please add any missing event with exhibits featured in the wiki to table below January February March April May June July August September October November December European American Australia & New Zealand
Steaming under the Southern Cross - ?
Sandstone Heritage Trust (South Africa)
Regular open days/Steamings (interval) "Trade Shows" Special 'One off' events