Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Organisers ? Vintage Club
Sponsors (main)
Date held on
Duration (days) 2
Venue Rhondda Heritage Park
Country Wales
NTET Accredited No
Attendance numbers
(approximate no.)
Next Event Date 2011
First Event was held in (year) ?
Last Event was held in (year)
No. of years held ?
Events Web Site

The Rhondda Heritage Park Vintage transport festival is held at the beginning of ? nr ?, at the Rhonda Heritage Park, Wales. The Festival is organised by the ? Vintage Machinery Club to raise money for local charities and good causes in the area. The venue is a former Coal mine in the Rhondda valley.


The 2010 event was the ? th that has been held.

2010 Event[]

Exhibit classes:

2010 Steam engines[]

A number of steam engines and a diesel rollers were on display.

Steam Engines list
Exhibit no. Engine (make & No.) Name Type year built Reg no. Owner Photo Misc info
Garrett no. ? Name ? Traction engine year Reg no. ? Owner ? 150px]]
? Marshall no. ? Name ? Traction Engine 1913 Reg no. ? owner 150px]]
copy the row below (appears as 10 lines in edit mode) and past into table, below existing entry and fill in the known items
? Manufacturer no. ? Name ? Type year ? Reg no. ? owner ? 100px 150px]] misc notes

Steam models[]

A Number of 'Model' steam engines were present, but no details/photos were taken.

If you visited the show or your models were there please add details of them and photos below, thanks.

Two half size (1/2 scale) models were also present.

Commercial & Military vehicles[]

A number of interesting vehicles were present including these;


One tractor were present,

Commercial vehicles[]

? exhibits listed

A couple of Buses were on display.

Classic cars & motorcycles[]

A number of cars and motor cycles were on show in the pit yard.

Model displays[]

A number of collections of models were on display in the museum buildings.

Past Events[]

Please add detail's of any past events if you visited with photos of the exhibits.

See also[]

References / sources[]

  • The show guide 2010

External links[]

Please add events web site address here -
