Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Optare Rapta
Capacity 70-86 seated
Length 10.1 to 11.9m
Width 2,500mm [1]
Height currently unknown

The Optare Rapta was an integral double decker launched at the Euro Bus Expo on 4th November 2008. It was one of the first of the new model range to have the new family look, the other of which is the new Solo+ (since removed from Optare's online list of products). The Rapta is the first new Optare-designed double decker since the Spectra low-floor in 1997 that was discontinued in 2005. It was available with a MAN Euro V engine with an optional hybrid drive.

In late 2009 it was announced that the Rapta would not enter production, instead an option of Optare chassis will be available on the Optare Olympus.[2][3]


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