Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki

The Optare ColumboRider was an integral bus built from 1987 designed by British bus manufacturer Optare. It was based on the Optare Delta / Optare StarRider. As its name suggests, it was designed for export to the city of Colombo. Parts were also built by Ceymo Automobile Manufacturers Ltd on the outskirts of Colombo.[1] It was also sometimes known as "Le Bus"[2]

This bus was the first time Optare tried selling buses abroad (NABI didn't acquire Optare at this point).

Many ColumboRiders were sold, however, Optare discontinued this model as it cost too much to build and ship the buses to the Columbrian specification. The only other product that was sold abroad was the Optare MetroRider.

In the early 2000s Optare was acquired by the North American Bus Industries, this gave Optare another chance to sell buses abroad, so far the Solo (30-LFN) and the now discontinued Excel have been sold abroad.


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