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Northern Counties Paladin
Northern Counties Paladin 2
A Paladin body with the barrel-shaped front and quarterlights, on Volvo B10B chassis.
Manufacturer Northern Counties
Capacity Various
Operator(s) Various
Length Various
Width Various
Height Various
Floor type Step entrance
Doors One or Two
Weight Various
Chassis Volvo B10M
Volvo B10B
Volvo B6
Dennis Dart
Dennis Lance
Dennis Falcon
Scania L113
Leyland Atlantean (rebodies)
Engine(s) Various
Power output Various
Transmission Various
Options Various customer options
Arriva Southern Counties 3132

A Paladin body on a Dennis Dart chassis, with the "wrap-around" windscreen

Northern Counties Paladin 1

A Paladin body with double-curvature windscreen, on Scania L113 chassis

The Northern Counties Paladin, also badged as the Plaxton Paladin towards the end of production, is a step-entrance single-deck bus body built by Northern Counties of Wigan, UK, between 1991 and 1998.

The Paladin was built on several different chassis types:

Three different shapes of windscreen were fitted to Paladins. One was of gentle "barrel shaped" curvature, with deep quarterlights. This was used throughout the production run, being fitted to both the earliest vehicles and to the last batches built. An upright "wrap-around" screen was used on the majority of midi-sized Paladin bodies (on Dennis Dart and Volvo B6 chassis), whilst a double-curvature screen was fitted to some Scania and DAF full-sized vehicles.

Some bodies built towards the end of production were given Plaxton body numbers, in which the Paladin was identified by the letter G.

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