Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Minneapolis-Moline G at GDSF 08 - IMG 0707

A restored Model G at GDSF in 2008 in the display area

The Minneapolis-Moline G series was built from 1938 through to 1959.

Model History[]

Several models were built:

Detailed model history to be added - Can you help with some details on these models ?
  • Minneapolis-Moline GT
    • Minneapolis-Moline GTA
    • Minneapolis-Moline GTB
    • Minneapolis-Moline GTC
    • Minneapolis-Moline GTD



  • Unknown

Serial numbers[]

No data available yet


A few examples exist on the UK show circuit but they are not very common with a number being recent imports.

Minneapolis Moline GBD - 1957 - Engine no

A restored 1957 MM GBD owned by G. Dawes, of Newton Le willows presented at the Masham Steam Rally 2009

See also[]

References / sources[]

External links[]
