Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Minneapolis-Moline 7600 Companion
MM 7600 Companion combine (red) - 1974
Model history
Model introduced Unknown
Model discontinued Unknown
Superseded by Unknown
Engine Specification
Power hp 128 (gas)
112 (diesel)
Power kW 95 (gas)
84 (diesel)
Transmission type Unknown
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Factories Canada
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The Minneapolis-Moline 7600 Companion combine harvester was built in Canada by Minneapolis-Moline. It features the choice of a 128 hp (95 kW) gas or 112 hp (84 kW) diesel engine. It was also sold as the Oliver 7600 combine, Cockshutt 7600 and White 7600 combines.

Model history[]

For brand history, see Minneapolis-Moline.


External links[]
