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Mercedes-Benz T2 (Europe & Argentina)
Mercedes-Benz L3 (Venezuela & South America)
GHA Coaches N2 GHA
A second generation Mercedes-Benz T2 in the United Kingdom built as a minibus. Operated by GHA Coaches.
Manufacturer Grupo Consorcio 1390 S.A.
Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedes-Benz Espana, S.A.
Mercedes-Benz Argentina, S.A.
Built at Alcobendas, Spain
since 19?? (SKD)
Barcelona, Venezuela
Düsseldorf, Germany
Ludwigsfelde, Germany
since 1996
Virrey del Pino, Argentina1969 to 1996.
Floor type Step entrance
Engine(s) Mercedes-Benz
Options Various customer options

The Mercedes-Benz T2 is a semi-bonneted transporter built by Mercedes-Benz. The T2 is also known as the "Düsseldorfer transporter" (or, more informally, the "DüDo"), since it was built until 1996 in Düsseldorf. The third series, built from 1996 at Ludwigsfelde, is branded the Vario. Some units of the T2 are assembled by Mercedes-Benz Espana, S.A. in their Alcobendas assembly plant. In Argentina, was made since 1969 to 1996 in the plant of Virrey del Pino, Buenos Aires province. The Venezuelan version of the T2 was manufactured in Barcelona by the Grupo Consorcio 1390 S.A. (currently MMC Automoritz S.A.) as the Mercedes-Benz Clase L3. The L3 was built from 1969 up to 1978, when the company was bought by the Ford Motor Company.

First generation (1967-1986)[]


1982 after facelift L407D-KA motorhome

1967 saw the introduction of the T2 as a successor of the series L 319/L 406. The vehicle filled the gap between Bremen Transporters and the heavier trucks, manufactured in Wörth.

The T2 was available as a box van, a flat-bed light truck (with single or double cab), or a bus. From 1977 the chassis was offered, for the mounting of larger box van and bus bodies, in two different widths. In 1981 the T2 received a facelift, the most visible differences were the new, radiator grille, which now was a moulding of black plastic. The various T2 versions were popular for a wide range of applications: they were used as delivery vans, light builders' vans or trucks, fire-brigade and rescue support vehicles, post office parcel delivery vans (featuring a sliding door on the driver's side) and for very many other uses. In the early 1970s, T2 was also offered branded as a Hanomag Henschel.

Production of flat-bed trucks of the first generation ended after 19 year construction period, after approximately 450,000 vehicles had been produced, in 1986.

Second generation (1986-1996)[]

The second generation of the T2 was introduced in 1986, and was built until 1996. It was significantly upgraded, the hood having become longer and the design altogether more sharp-edged. The chassis has been used in minibuses in the United Kingdom with many variations. They are 609D, 614D, 709D, 711D, 811D, 814D. For Argentina, was made since 1990 to 1996, when stopped the truck and light bus production. Some models made in the Virrey del Pino facility was the L 913D[1], L 914[2], L 710 [3].

Third generation ("Vario") (since 1996)[]

Main article: Mercedes-Benz Vario

Since 1996, the T2 has been assembled at the Ludwigsfelde factory and branded as the "Vario". Visual differences between the Vario and its predecessors are quite small, but include new headlights and radiator grille: at the same time the interior was revised.

See also[]

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