This List is of vehicles of all types that have been 'Named' and fitted with a Name plate and are often referred to by that Name. These are mainly Steam engines and Heavy Haulage tractor units.
- Were a name is shared by several vehicles please add the others to this list (in abc order by maker) and create a "disambiguation" page listing the others with {{disambig}} at the top of the page and the possible engines or vehicles below linked to by serial number or reg no. link (if no s/n).
NOTE - Unless engine number is dark the article on the individual engine has not been created yet, some common names go to disambiguation pages & the others point to the engines page name. please feel free to start them. (there is a blank specification infobox (template) at {{Infobox Steam}} for engine pages).
- Abigale - Foster Steam Tractor no. 2948
- Achilles - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10072
- Achilles - Burrell traction engine no. 3201
- Achilles - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15182
- Acrise Maid - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11115
- Activity - Fowler Road locomotive no. 12902
- Ada - Fowler traction engine no. 10373
- Adagio - Fowler steam roller no. 19045
- Admiral Beatty - Foster Showman's Engine no. 14153
- Admiral Beresford - Fowler Road locomotive no. 12275
- Admiral Togo - Burrell Traction engine no. 2706
- Advance - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7861
- Adventurer - Garrett Traction engine no. 33296
- Adventurer - Wynns Heavy Haulage 150 ton tractor unit
- Aethelflaed - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 4223
- Aevlyn - Aveling & Porter steamroller no. 14083
- Africa Queen - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14113
- Agathis - Garrett steam tractor no. 34539
- Ajax - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15183
- Ajax - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 15462
- Albert - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11147
- Albert - Fowler traction engine no. 7453
- Albert Webb - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8489
- ALBION - Aveling & Porter Showman's Engine no. 8601
- ALBION - Fowler steam roller no. 16519
- Alec - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 7080
- Alex (ex Emily) - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7939
- Alexandra - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3075
- Alderman - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 28922
- Alf - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11448
- Alf - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 8595
- Alfie - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11448
- Alfred - Fowler traction engine no. 7786
- Algy - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 29944
- Alice - Fowler steam roller no. 7129
- Alice - Fowler Traction engine no. 9271
- Alice - Fowler Steam roller no. 16392
- Alice - Fowler steam tractor no. 18635
- Alice - Formerly on J&H McLaren traction engine no. 551
- Alice - Tasker Steam Tractor no. 1902
- Alice - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no. 7638
- Allensford - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 6353
- Ambition - Wallis & Steevens Roller no. 8058
- Amelia -Aveling & Porter Showmans tractor conversion no. 7612
- Amy - Allchin traction engine no. 1406
- Amy - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14062
- Amy - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 8095
- An Gof - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10045
- An Gaidmeal - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 9213
- Andrea - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14073
- Angela -Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11793
- Angelina - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10073
- Angelina - Foden Showmans tractor no. 12782
- Anika(ex -Strangford Belle) - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 77479
- Anker - Garrett steam tractor no. 33986
- Ann - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 41782
- Anna - Tidman Centre engine Tidman CE - Anna
- Anne - Aveling & Porter steam tractor Aveling & Porter - Anne
- Anne - Garrett steam tractor no. 33953
- Anne - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 81427
- Anne - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 7774
- Anne Hathaway - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15195
- Annette - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9103
- Annie - Aveling-Barford steam roller no. AH392
- Annie - Davey Paxman traction engine no. 14766
- Annie - Foster steam tractor no. 14740
- Annie - Fowler steam roller no. 16783
- Annie - Garrett Portable engine no. 31875
- Annie - Garrett steam tractor no. 33219
- Annie - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 57375
- Annie Laurie - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 12186
- Annie Laurie - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 73893
- Apollo - Clayton & Shuttleworth steam tractor no. 49008
- Appollo - McLaren Traction engine no. 757
- Aquarius - Allchin Traction engine no. 1173
- Aquarius - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 4757
- Aquarius - Sentinel steam waggon no. 3976
- Aquitania - Foster Showman's road locomotive no. 13200
- Arcady - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 79260
- Arcas - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 79261
- Arfur - Fowler Steam roller no. 18659
- Arkle - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Arkle
- Arthur Ashmole - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15278
- Aries - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 74648
- Arundel Castle - Merryweather steam fire engine Merryweather FE - Arundel Castle/Merryweather no. 6239
- Arundel Castle - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Arundel Castle
- Astonisher - Fowler steam roller no. 16615
- At Last - Robey tandem steam roller no. 48869
- Athena - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 8815
- Atlantia - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 43187
- Atlas - Fowler Road locomotive no. 17105
- Attraction - Burrell traction engine no. 2662
- Auld Charlie - Burrell traction engine no. 1694
- Avellana - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 8401
- Avis - J&H McLaren ploughing engine no. 1541
- Ayesha - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11145
- Bacchus - Fowler Roller no. 19049
- Back Us Boy - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 23266
- Bacton Hall - John Collings steam tractor no.2
- Badger - Armstrong Whitworth steam roller no. 10R35
- Baldrick - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 30164
- Bampton Castle - Burrell Road locomotive no. 3202
- Banshee, The - McLaren Showman's Engine no. 1713
- Barbara - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 9228
- Barbara - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11695
- Barbara - Foster traction engine no. 14625
- Barbara Ann - Aveling & Porter steam tractor(conversion) no. 11810 (in Sweden)
- Barkus - Robey & Co. steam roller no. 42520
- Baroness - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 7024
- Baroness - Garrett Steam roller no. 34084
- Barton Queen - Savage Bros. Centre engine no. 842
- Barton Wonder - Savage Bros. Organ engine no. 890
- Bathsheba - Robey steam tractor ex-roller no. 41492
- Beaver - Burrell Traction engine no. 2051
- Becky - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8585
- Belfast Fire Brigade No6 - William Rose - steam fire engine
- Bella - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9283
- Bellingham - Fowler Steam roller no. 12530
- Bello - Chataignier steam roller no. 141
- Ben - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15227
- Ben Chonzie - Fowler steam roller no. 16437
- Ben Lomond - Marshall, Sons & Co. road locomotive no. 68632
- Berkshire Lady - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15164
- Berkshire Tariff Queen - Fowler Traction engine No. 11814
- Berkswell - Fowler traction engine no. 8282
- Berlin - Kemna Ploughing engine no. 338
- Bernadette - Brouhot & Co. Portable engine UP2
- Bernadette - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7929
- Bernard - Aveling & Porter Tandem Roller no. 6530
- Bernard - Fowler steam roller no. 13453
- Bernardo - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 7195
- Bert - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11980
- Bert - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 8016
- Bertha - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 9370
- Bertha - Burrell Traction engine no. 3112
- Bertha - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 15116
- Bertie - Aveling & Porter traction engine(Conversion) no. 12470
- Beryl - Foster Traction engine no. 2821
- Beryl - Marshall steam roller no. 71833
- Beryl - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no. 7390
- Bess - Allchin Traction engine no. 669
- Bess - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 3026
- Bess - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 4747
- Bessie - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15237
- Bessie - Marshall Traction engine no. 82096
- Betsan - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11675
- Betsy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 7632
- Betty - Burrell Traction engine no. 4051
- Betty - Foden Road locomotive no. 664
- Betty - Fowler steam roller no. 16523
- Bettys Pride - Clayton & Shuttleworth Showman's Engine conversion no. 43173
- Beulah - Fowler Traction engine no. 6188
- Bexhill - Merryweather & Sons steam fire engine Merryweather FE - Bexhill
- Bez - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11366
- Big Ben - Aveling & Porter traction engine no. 3387
- Big Bertha - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 6340
- Big Emma - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 2357
- Big Jim - Foden timber tractor Foden ? JGB 941
- Big John - Burrell steam roller no. 3305
- Big John - Ruston, Proctor and Company Portable engine no. 30656
- Big Mac - McLaren Road locomotive no. 1110
- Big Ned - International Harvester IH BTD 20 Crawler tractor no. 902
- Big Tam - Sentinel steam wagon no. 5676
- Bill - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15226
- Billie - Burrell Traction engine no. 1861
- Billie - Fowler steam tractor no. 16854
- Billy - Fowler steam tractor ?
- Billy - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 2660
- Billy Allchin - Allchin traction engine no. 2146
- Billy Boy - Aveling & Porter Showman's Engine no. 14070
- Billy Boy - Burrell steam roller no. 3946
- Billy Brock - Edward Humphries & Co. Portable engine no. 1642
- Billy Nick - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 2766
- Birkhall - Marshall portable engine no. 89200
- Bison - Case Traction engine no. 29648
- Bitza - Custom built steam wagon - Wagon based on a Bryan Donkin Stationary Steam Engine
- BLACK BESS - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14661 (in Australia)
- Black Bess - Burrell Traction engine no. 2473
- Black Bess - Marshall Traction engine no. 32092
- Black Jack - Fowler Road locomotive no. 7788
- Black Knight -
- Black Prince - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 2701
- Black Prince - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15417
- Black Prince - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15427
- Black Prince - Sentinel Steam Tractor no. 6504
- Blackberry Jack - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10159
- Blackjack - Fowler Traction engine no. 8635
- Blenheim - Merryweather steam fire engine no. 1541
- Blitz - Merryweather & Sons steam firepump Merryweather FP - Blitz
- Blodwen - Marshall steam roller no. 57168
- Blodwen - Marshall steam roller no. 83412
- Blossom - Allchin Traction engine no. 1080
- Blossom - Taskers of Andover Steam tractor no. 1726
- Bluebell - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10919
- Bluebell - McLaren Steam tractor no. 1837
- Blue Circle Aveling & Porter rail Loco 9449
- Blue Peter - Wallis & Steevens Steam tractor no. 7155
- Bo-Peep - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 5541
- Boadicea - Foden Steam wagon no. 13708
- Boadicea - McLaren Road locomotive no. 1652
- Boadicea - Marshall traction engine no. 53176
- Bob - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 14213
- Bob - Richard Hornsby & Sons traction engine no. 7297
- Bob-Or-Two - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 57701
- Bonnie - Foster traction engine no. 14637
- Bonnie - Fowler Steam roller no. 14333
- Bonnie Doon - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 26687
- Bonnie Dundee - Burrell traction engine no. 3737
- Bonnie Lass - Fowler Steam Tractor no. 17470
- Bonnie Lass - Fowler Steam roller no. 19546
- Bonnie Moorhen - Fowler steam tractor no. 17585
- Bonny' N -Aveling & Porter Road Locomotive no. 5192
- Bonzer Tom - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15454
- Bonzo - Fowler steam roller no. 16519
- Border Queen - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 12174
- Bordon King - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9375
- Bordon Queen - Marshall steam roller no. 81095
- Borough of Barnstable - Shand-Mason Steam fire pump
- Borough of Huntington - Shand-Mason steam fire pump
- Borough of Lowestoft - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11648
- Bottons Pride - Savage Bros. Centre engine no. 869
- Boxer - Burrell steam roller no. 3962
- Boxer's Beauty - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7115
- Braw Lass - Fowler steam roller no. 16157
- Brenda - Burrell Traction engine no. 2613
- Brinkburn Lass - Mann tractor no. 1386
- Bristol Rover - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15222
- Britannia - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8548
- Britannia - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 2668
- Britannia - Burrell traction engine no. 4019
- Britannia - Foden Steam wagon No. 12228
- Britannia - Fowler Steam roller no. 18075
- Britannia - J&F Howard traction engine no. 201
- Britannia - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 17328
- Britannia - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 52962
- Britannia - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 72808
- Britannia - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine No. UP16
- British Hero - Garrett steam roller no. 27160
- Bromyard Queen Nance - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 11484
- Brother Bob - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 84679
- Bruce - Garrett Traction engine no. 28249
- Burnel - Fowler Road locomotive no. 12693
- Brutus - Babcock & Wilcox steam roller no. 95/4013
- Brutus - Robey & Co Steam roller no. 42520
- Brutus - Sentinel steam tractor no. 8756
- Bubbles - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8832
- Bubbles - Burrell traction engine no. 3036
- Buccaneer - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Buchan Belle - Aveling & Porter Convertible traction engine no. 9232
- Buller - Burrell Traction engine no. 2366
- Buller - Burrell Traction engine no. 2575
- Bullet - Robey & Co Tandem Roller no. 42129
- Bunty - Garrett Traction engine no. 34641
- Buster - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10346
- Buster - Aveling & Porter tandem roller no. 11363
- Buster - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14029
- Buster - Burrell Steam roller no. 3993
- Buster - Fowler road locomotive no. 11317
- Busybee - Fowler Steam roller no. 14674
- Busy Bee - Burrell Steam tractor no. 4084
- Callow Rock - Sentinel steam wagon no. 8784
- Cambrian - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies traction engine no. 27014
- Cameronian - Aveling & Porter steam tractor conversion no. 14181
- Candyfloss - Fowler traction engine no. 9971
- Cantankerous - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 12442
- Canterbury - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14039
- Cape Town - Fowler Road locomotive no. 8669
- Captain Cook - Foden Traction engine no. 1308
- Captain Scott - McLaren Traction engine no. 1421
- Caractacus - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11583
- Carol - Formerly on Aveling & Porter no. 10575
- Carole - McLaren Showmans Road Locomotive no. 1623
- Caroline - Aveling-Barford Steam roller AC605
- Caroline - Garrett Traction engine no. 33442
- Caroline - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 2524
- Carry On - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 14425
- Castlebane Annie (ex Moyola Queen) - Steam wagon Hino lorry/ ? steam engine creation based in NI [1]
- Castletown - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 7159
- Castra - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11322
- Catastrophe - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 22589
- Catherine - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 12257
- Catriona -Wallis & Steevens Steam wagon no. 7720 (new build)
- Cavalier - Fowler Steam roller no. 15977
- Cavalier - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Celia - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 79585
- Centaur -McLaren traction engine no. 551
- Century - Burrell Traction engine no. 748
- Cestria - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11064
- Cestria - Foden Steam wagon no. 13218
- Challenger - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 7857
- Challenger - Burrell showmans road locomotive no. 2651
- Challenger - Fowler Traction engine no. 13600
- Challenger - Fowler Traction engine no. 14933
- Challenger - Garrett Showmans tractor no. 33419
- Challenger - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 57304
- Challenger - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Champion - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Charlie - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14003
- Charlie - Burrell steam tractor no. 3355
- Charlie - Burrell steam roller no. 4070
- Charlie - Field Marshall tractor Field Marshall 7489
- Charlie - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15333
- Charlie - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 72446
- Charlie B - Burrell traction engine no. 3746
- Chaser - Aveling & Porter Convertible tractor no. 9382
- Chatham - McLaren traction engine no. 1642
- Cheltenham - Merryweather steam fire engine no. 2092
- Cheryl - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 12181
- Cheshire Pride - Foden Steam wagon no. 8304
- Chieftain - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no.15278
- Chichester - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 8099
- Chimaera - Aveling & Porter Tandem roller no. 7411
- Chimaera - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 7411
- Chipchase/Chipsy - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7931
- Christian Louise - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 78153|no. 78153
- Christine - McLaren traction engine no. 1105
- Christopher - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 8023
- Churchill - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10671
- Churchill - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15347
- Cinderella - Aveling & Porter steam roller no 10906
- Cissie - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15236
- City of Cardiff - Tidman Centre engine Tidman CE - City of Cardiff
- City of Chester - Shand-Mason Fire engine Shand-Mason FE - City of Cheter
- City of Hull - Fowler Road locomotive no. 11111
- City of Leeds - Shand-Mason Fire engine Shand-Mason FE - City of Leeds
- City of Worcester - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 8082
- City of York - Shand-Mason Fire engine Shand-Mason FE - City of York
- City of York No.3 - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7941
- Clabensa - Clayton & Shuttleworth Portable engine no. 43151
- Clacton Queen - Garrett steam roller no. 34165
- Claire - Fowler steam roller no. 16031
- Clasuentum - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7742
- Clementine - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 9225
- Clinker - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14102
- Clinker - Burrell road locomotive no. 3257
- Clyde - Aveling & Porter Road Locomotive no. 8471
- Cinderella - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10906
- Cissie - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15236
- City of Cardiff - Tidman centre engine Tidman CE - City of Cardiff
- City of Chester - Shand-Mason Horse drawn Fire pump No serial number or reg number
- City of Hull - Fowler road locomotive no. 11111
- City of Londonderry - Fowler Steam roller no. 17492
- City of Turo - Fowler steam roller no. 18873
- City of Worcester - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 8082
- Cock of the North - Burrell steam tractor no. 3397
- Coeur de Lion - Burrell traction engine no. 3368
- Coffin Dodger - Greens Steam roller no. 2007
- Colleen - Fowler Steam tractor/Roller no. 16948
- Colleen Bawn - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 33199
- Colossus - McLaren Traction engine no. 897
- Colossus - ? Heavy haulage tractor
- Conchita - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 43090
- Conqueror - Buffalo-Springfield steam roller no. UI (number plate 3409).
- Conqueror - Burrell Road locomotive no. 3996
- Conqueror - Garrett steam tractor no. 27673
- Conqueror - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Constance - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no.11251
- Constance - Fowler steam roller no. 15988
- Constance - Wantage Engineering Co. Traction Engine no. 1389
- Consuelo Allen - Garrett Steam roller no. 34265
- Coquet Lass - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 4307
- Corn Maiden - Ruston, Proctor and Company traction engine no. 52266
- Cornishman - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 5683
- Cornishman - Burrell traction engine no. 2909
- Cornishman - Garrett Traction engine no. 30959
- Cornish Maid - Burrell Traction engine no. 3816
- Cornish Star - Garrett Steam tractor no. 34789
- Corporation of Gloucester - Aveling & Porter roller no. 8585
- Councillor Billy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8550
- Countess - Garrett Showmans tractor no. 32969
- Countess - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 43345
- Country Girl - Burrell Showmans road locomotive no. 3195
- Courageous - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 8910
- Covenantor - Fowler Steam roller no. 21636
- Cracker - J&H McLaren Traction engine no. 1534
- Cressing Temple - Marshall, Sons & Co. no. 38024
- Crimson Lady - Burrell traction engine no. 4055
- Crimson Rambler - Fowler Traction engine no. 15625
- Cromwell - Burrell Traction Engine no. 3218
- Cromwell - Fowell & Co. Traction engine no. 103
- Crusader - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11520
- Crusader - Fowler steam roller no. 16045
- Crusader - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Crystal - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10784
- Cuchulainn(the ? of ?) - Fowler Road locomotive no. 7871
- Cumberland - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10114
- Cumbria Lady - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11496
- Cynorthwywr - Fowler Road Locomotive No. 15787
- Cynthia - Aveling & Porter team roller no. 5995
- Daffodil - Burrell Steam roller no. 3991
- Daisy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no.5831
- Daisy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 6943
- Daisy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14150
- Daisy - Fowler steam roller no. 16441
- Daisy Bell - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no.8026
- Daisy May - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7799
- Dale - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15155
- Dallam Star - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 8089
- Dalton Boy - Fowler Road locomotive no. 9544
- Daphne - Burrell Traction engine no. 4049
- Darby - Burrell Steam roller no. 4058
- Darling Downs - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 44977
- Dartmoor - Robey Portable engine no. 6529
- Dauntless - Burrell Traction engine no. 3164
- Dauntless - Burrell Steam roller no. 3942
- Dawn of the Century - Fowler Road locomotive no. 9177
- David - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10050 ?
- DC Ver - Fowler Showmans tractor conversion no. 15970
- Debbie - Foster steam tractor no. 3633
- Deborah - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 8109
- Deborah Clair Aveling & Porter Steam tractors no. 8632
- Deeside Knight - Robey Traction engine no. 43388
- Defiance - Burrell Steam Tractor no. 3458
- Defiance - Fowler Showmans conversion no. 9009
- Defiant - Burrell Traction engine no. 3794
- Delarey(also known as Spitfire) - Burrell convertible tractor no. 2626
- Delicia - Fowler Steam roller no. 17498 (exported to Holland)
- Delilah - Fowler Road locomotive no. 8721
- Delilah - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 16439
- Delilah - Fowler Ploughing Engine Fowler no. ?
- Denby Flyer - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 1488
- Denby Maiden - Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co. no. 117
- Dennis - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10471
- De Gebroders - Garrett Steam roller no. 34185 (believed to be a Dutch machine ?)
- Diamond Queen - Burrell Traction engine no. 2003
- Diana/Dolphin - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 4030
- Dick Turpin - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14001
- Dilly - Locomobile Steam Car no. 3349
- Dobbin (ex Porky) - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 85060
- Dolly - Burrell Traction engine no. 3984
- Dolly Gray - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8116
- Dolly May - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 15740
- Dolphin/Diana - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 4030
- Doris - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 15209
- Doris - Fowler Steam roller no. 19032
- Doris - Marshall Portable engine No. 71396
- Dorothy - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 4093
- Dorothy - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 46817
- Dorothy - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 47015
- Dorothy - Fowler steam roller no. 16979
- Dorothy - Garrett steam tractor no. 33782
- Dorothy - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 45689
- Dorothy - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 70595
- Dorothy - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 87087
- Dorothy - Thornycroft Steam wagon no. 39
- Dorset Wanderer, The - Foden Steam tractor no. 13832
- Dougal - Aveling & Porter Steam Tractor no. 6021
- Dougal - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8581
- Dirk - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 15202 (exported to Holland)
- Dragon - Aveling & Porter Road roller no. 14121
- Dragon - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3912
- Dragon - Foster Steam tractor no. 3002
- Dreadnought - Burrell Traction engine no. 2948
- Dreadnought(also known as Barbara) - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3093
- Dreadnought - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3118
- Dreadnought - Burrell Traction engine no, 4053
- Dreadnought - Fowler Steam roller no. 8889
- Dreadnought - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 11108
- Dreadnought - Fowler Traction engine no. 11491
- Dreadnought - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 15452
- Dreadnought - Fowler Road locomotive no. 15463
- Dreadnought - Heavy Haulage Tractor unit in the fleet of ?
- Dreadnought - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 27512
- Drummer - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine(ex roller) no. 2706
- Drumtochty - Davey Paxman & Co. Traction engine No. 19412
- Duchess - Aveling & Porter Showman's Engine no. 6091
- Duchess of Gloucester - Foden Steam tractor no. 14084
- Duke of Kent - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 3593
- Duke of Norfolk - Aveling & Porter steam Tractor no. 8384
- Duke of Ongar - Burrell Traction engine no. 2093
- Duke of Rutland - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 9475
- Duke of Wellington - Wallis & Steevens Tractor no. 7872
- Duke of Windsor - Burrell traction engine no. 1840
- Duke of York - Fowler Road Locomotive & Crane engine no. 17106
- Dumpy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12103
- Dunelmia - Aveling-Barford steam roller AC607
- Dusty - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 46823
- Dutch Lady - Sentinel steam waggon no. 8827
- Earl Beatty - Burrell - Showman's Engine no. 3896
- Earl Beatty - Burrell - Showman's road locomotive 3906
- Earl E Ryzer - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10753
- Earl Douglas - Fowler Traction engine no. 15748
- Earl Haig - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3979
- Earl Kitchener - Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive no. 3651
- Earl of Dudley - Foden Road locomotive no. 1308
- Earl of Eldon - Garrett Traction engine no. 28758
- Early Bird - Foden steam tractor no. 12852
- East Lothian Star - Wallis & Steevens Steam tractor no. 8052
- Ebenezer - Aveling & Porter Road roller no. 10762
- Echuca -Brown & May Portable engine UP61
- Eclipse - Frick traction engine no. 21918
- Edgar J - Scammell Ballast tractor CYK 587C
- Edna - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10751
- Edna - Fowler Traction engine no. 11698
- Edward - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7815
- Edward Earl of Derby - Ford Model T Fire engine Reg no. TC 6851
- Edward VII - Wallis & Steevens Convertible road roller no. 7601
- Eileen - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 2291
- Eileen - Clayton & Shuttleworth Portable engine no. 50010
- Eileen - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 51483
- Eileen - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam tractor conversion no. 76301
- Eileen - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 7008
- Eileen the Erring - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7683
- Elen - Allchin traction engine no. 1105
- Elsie - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11969
- Elsie - Fowler Steam roller no. 15813
- Elisa - Savage Bros Traction engine no. 474
- Elizabeth - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 4157
- Elizabeth - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 6378
- Elizabeth - Burrell Traction engine no. 3092
- Elizabeth - Burrell Traction engine no. 3902
- Elizabeth - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 48232
- Elizabeth - Foden traction engine no. 2312
- Elizabeth - Foden steam tractor no. 13222
- Elizabeth - Fowler steam roller no. 7446
- Elizabeth - Garrett steam roller no. 28408
- Elizabeth - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 55437
- Elizabeth - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 89249
- Elizabeth - Ruston Proctor steam roller no. 50735
- Elizabeth - Sentinel Steam waggon (tipper) no. 6979
- Elizabeth - Sentinel Steam Bus no. 8590
- Ellen - Allchin Traction engine no. 1105
- Ellen - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 86161
- Elsa - Fowler traction engine no. 12761
- Elsie - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11969
- Ely - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10235
- Ely Fire Brigade - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - "Ely Fire Brigade"
- Elza - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7833
- Emerald - Foden Steam wagon no. 2876
- Emily - Foden Steam wagon 12018
- Emily - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 78667
- Emily - Tasker steam tractor no. 1625
- Emily - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7939
- Emily - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 8112
- Emma - Aveling & Porter Convertible tractor no. 5862
- Emma - Aveling & Porter Road roller no. 9166
- Emma - Aveling & Porter convertible tractor no. 9267
- Emma - Aveling & Porter Road roller no. 10048
- Emma - Aveling & Porter Road roller no. 12462
- Emma - Foden Steam waggon No. 12116
- Emma - Marshall Traction engine no. 61970
- Emperor - Aveling & Porter Convertible traction engine no. 8420
- Emperor - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 1876
- Empress - Fowler Traction engine no. 14100
- Empress - Garrett steam tractor no. 33829
- Empress of Britain - Burrell Road locomotive no. 3434
- Empress of Britain - Burrell steam tractor no. 4071
- Empress of Cornwall - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 4010
- Empress of England - Scammell Showmans Tractor DVJ 45
- Empress of India - McLaren traction engine no. 112
- Endeavour - Foster Showmans tractor no. 14066
- Endeavour - Fowler Traction engine no. 14754
- Endeavour - Ruston & Hornsby steam roller no. 122338
- Endeavour - Wallis & Steevens Roller no. 8047
- Endon Flyer - Sentinel steam waggon no. 8884
- Endurance - Aveling & Porter traction engine no. 2107
- Endurance - Burrell traction engine no. 2250
- Endurance - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 2547
- Endurance - Fowler Traction engine no. 7459
- End of the Road -Ruston Proctor traction engine Ruston Proctor no. UI
- End2End - Burrell Gold Medal Tractor no. 3245
- Energy - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11085
- Engineer - Fowler traction engine no. 13044
- Englefield] - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - "Englefield"
- English Hero - Burrell Showmans engine conversion no. 3655
- English Princess - Aveling & Porter Steam Tractor no. 8030
- English Rose - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 2031
- Enoch - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 82517
- Enterprise - Clayton & Shuttleworth Agricultural Engine no. 44103
- Enterprise - Foden Steam wagon no. 12116
- Enterprise - Fowler Traction engine no. 11554
- Enterprise - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 14588
- Enterprise - Fowler Steam tractor conversion no. 18640
- Enterprise - Garrett steam tractor no. 33818
- Enterprise - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 79342
- Enterprise - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies traction engine no. 38088
- Enterprise - Savage Fairground center engines no. 762
- Ephraim - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 2351
- Erins Pride Leads the Way/Princess Royal - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3295
- Ernie - Burrell steam roller no. 3999
- Eskdale - Fisher steam tractor no. 41
- Esmeralda - Fowler ploughing engine no. 13831
- Ethel - Burrell steam roller no. 2642
- Eva May - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9027
- Eve - Fowler Steam roller no. 15981
- Eve - Fowler steam roller no. 16003
- Evedon Lad - Allchin Traction Engine No. 1499
- Evelyn - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12081
- Evelyn - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14083 in ROI
- Evelyn - Garrett Steam tractor no. 34539
- Evelyn - Stanley Steam Car no. 5095
- Evening Queen - Fowler Showman's conversion No. 17578
- Evening Star - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 7641
- Evening Star - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 14862
- Evening Star - Fowler Steam roller no. 22596
- Evening Star - Garrett Showmans tractor conversion no. 33941
- Evening Star - Scammell S26 Ballast tractor ex Econofreight reg ?
- Eventide - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 36575
- Eventually - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9139
- Excalibar - Fowler ploughing engine no. 14381
- Excelsior - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3725
- Excelsior - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3878
- Excelsior - Burrell Traction Engine no. 3895
- Excelsior - Burrell Traction Engine no. 3903
- Excelsior - Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam roller no. 34980
- Excelsior - Fowler ploughing engine no. 14382
- Excelsior - Fowler Road Locomotive No. 15323
- Excelsior - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 48341
- Excelsior - Tasker traction engine no. 352
- Ex-Mayor - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 4000
- Ex-Mayor - Scammell Showtrac OMY 521
- Eynsham Hall - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 15391
- Faith - Davey Paxman Portable engine no. 15513
- Faith - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine Wallis & Steevens no. 7497
- Faithful - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 52121
- Fair Rosamund - Wallis & Steevens Traction Engine no. 7370
- Fame - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15146
- Farmers Friend - Fowler traction engine no. 9698
- Fearless - Burrell Traction Engine no. 4081
- Fearnought name was carried by a heavy haulage tractor unit Scammell Contractor and earlier a Rotinoff Atlantic, both owned by Sunters of Northallerton.
- Felicity - Allchin traction engine no. 1527
- Felicity - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10190
- Felsted Belle - Garrett traction engine no. 32936
- Fermoy - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3090
- Fiddler - Fowler steam roller no. 15490
- Field Marshal Haig - Aveling & Porter Ploughing Engine no. 8890
- Fiery Elias - Foster Agricultural Engine no. 14593
- Finella - Fowler Road locomotive no. 13138
- Finem Respice - Burrell Traction engine no. 2319
- Finnola(Lord George) - Burrell Road locomotive no. 3636
- Fippeny Queen - Fowler steam roller no. 18652
- Firefly - Aveling & Porter showman's tractor - conversion no. 7778
- Firefly - Burrell Traction Engine no. 1941
- Firefly - Burrell traction engine no. 4032
- Firefly - Fowler steam tractor no. 14798
- Firefly - Fowler Road roller no. 15490
- Firefly - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction Engine no. 70321
- Fire Force - Shand-Mason Fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Fire Force
- Fire Queen - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 8288
- Fire Queen - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12467
- Fire Queen - Burrell - Steam roller no. 3973
- Fire Queen - Shand-Mason fire pump Shand-Mason FP - Fire Queen
- Fitzhead Flyer - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 74744
- Flame Lily - Aveling & Porter Road locomotive no. 5192
- Flip - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 56555
- Florence - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 7095
- Florence - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8688
- Florence - Fowler steam roller no. 9061
- Florence - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 79936
- Florence - Ruston Proctor Traction engine no. 36828
- Florian - Shand-Mason Fire engine Shand Mason FE - Florian
- Flower - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 8809
- Forager - Wallis & Steevens Traction Engine no. 7155
- Foremost - Fowler Road Locomotive No. 12906
- Forest Maiden - Fowler Showmans conversion no. 17077
- Forest Queen - Fowler Showmans tractor - conversion no. 21221
- Forest Queen - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7858
- Fortune - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15147
- Forward - Fowler traction engine no. 9922
- Francis Louise- Fowler traction engine no. 14910
- Fraoch - Fowler traction engine no. 16276
- Fred - Aveling & Porter Convertible tractor no. 7838
- Fred - 1/2 size Burrell Engineering Models
- Fred - McLaren Road locomotive no. 1497
- Freda - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 76795
- Freddie - Foden Steam wagon no. 11414
- Friend Richard - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7851
- Frustration - Aveling & Porter steam tractor conversion no. 6240
- Fulwood - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Fulwood
- Furious - Burrell Showmans tractor no. 3191
- Fusilier - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 4505
- Gainsborough Lady - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 77550
- Galaxy - Fowler Showmans engine no. 19481
- Ganymede - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Steam tractor no. 39088
- Garioch Queen - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 31298
- Garion - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 8562
- Gateshead - Merryweather Steam fire engine Merryweather FE - Gateshead
- Gay Girl - Burrell traction engine no. 3474
- Gello - Chataignier roller no. 141
- Gem - Aveling & Porter Showmans tractor no. 11450
- Gem - Merryweather Steam fire engine Merryweather FE - Gem
- General Byng - Aveling & Porter Ploughing Engine no. 8891
- General Buller - Brown and May Showman's Engine no. 8742
- General Buller - Burrell Traction Engine no. 2513
- General C.R. de Wet - Burrell Traction engine no. 2512
- General French - Burrell steam roller no. 3622
- General French - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14256
- General Gough - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3888
- General Hunter Weston - Foden Traction engine no. 5814
- General Owen - Marshall Convertible tractor no. 68955
- General Scrumpy - Marshall Traction engine no. 45872
- General Smuts - Fowler Road locomotive no. 15375
- General Smuts - Robey traction engine no. 19435
- General Wolfe - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 39127
- Gentle Annie - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11556
- Gentle Giant - Scammell Showmans tractor unit Scammell Chain Drive FTD 812
- Geoff - Aveling & Porter Showman,s tractor (Conversion) no. 11451
- Geordie Lad - Fowler Traction engine no. 10773
- George - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8837
- George - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 9008
- George - Foden Steam tractor no. 13266
- George - Fowler Traction engine no. 15771
- George - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 5141
- George - Tasker Steam Tractor no. 1396
- George V - Shand-Mason Steam Fire Engine Shand-Mason no. 1843
- GEORGE WILLIAM - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14660 (in Australia)
- Georgina Rose - William Rose Fire engine William Rose FE - Georgina Rose
- Gertrude Lucy - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7751
- Giant Panther - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14729
- Giant Tiger - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14728
- Gigantic - J&H McLaren Road locomotive no. 1332
- Gigantic - Motor Units Ltd Pavement roller Motor Units no. ?
- Ginger - Garrett steam wagon no. 30826
- Girlie - Fowler Showmans Road Locomotive no. 13922
- Girlie - Fowler Traction engine no. 15306
- Gisela - Aveling-Barford roller no. AG758
- Gladiator - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3884
- Gladstone - Burrell steam tractor no. 3540
- Gladstone - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 43130
- Gladstone - Marshall Portable engine no. 70948
- Glendora - Foden Traction engine no. 2261
- Gleneagles - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam tractor no. 83217
- Glenlossie - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Glenlossie
- Glenys - Marshall, Sons & Co. Convertible tractor 74962
- Gloria - Fowler Steam roller no. 16100
- Golden Queen - Wallis & Steevens Showmans tractor no. 7777
- Goliath - J&H McLaren Showman's road locomotive no. 1623
- Goliath - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no, 2694
- Golly - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10486
- Goolie - Marshall Steam roller no. 82842
- Grace - Wallis & Steevens Steam tractor no. 7732
- Grandsire - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 6407
- Granny - Savage Centre engine no. 607
- Granymede - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies steam tractor no. 39088
- Great Mytton - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11308
- Greenock - Merryweather Steam fire engine Merryweather FE - Greenock
- Greenwell - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7769
- Green Arrow - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11493
- Greta - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14694
- Grim Elf - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no.6323
- Grizzley - Case Agricultural Traction Engine no. 10941
- Grommet - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7247
- Gt.Tew - Foster portable engine no. 201
- Gulliver - Aveling & Porter steamroller no. 10372
- Gunner - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no. 7641
- Gwennie Willan - Foden steam wagon no. 5218
- GWR 162 -Fire pump Merryweather FP - GWR 165
- Gysbertina (Berkshire Tarriff Queen) - Fowler Traction engine no. 11814
- G.N.S.R Fire Brigade - Shand-Mason Steam fire engine Shand-Mason no.1513
- Haig - Burrell Traction engine no. 3812
- Haleson - Hale steam motorcycle (Unique example)
- Half Pint - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 24652
- Hallas - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8956
- Hanibal - McLaren road locomotive no. 1292
- Happy Jack - Foden Steam wagon no. 3398
- Happy Wanderer - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8918
- Harrold Llewellyn - Aveling & Porter Showmans Conversion no. 8585
- Harriet - Marshall Portable Engine no. 30169
- Harry - Burrell steam tractor no. 3442
- Harry's Lad - Sentinel steam waggon - no. 9101
- Harvest Time - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 43030
- Haslemere - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Haslemere
- Hawkes - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 2646
- Hayden Princess - Marshall Traction engine no. 36033
- Headland Beauty - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15163
- Headway - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 15117
- Heather - Burrell Steam roller no. 4040
- Heather - William Foster & Co Minature traction engine - FD 53 ZKK
- Heather - Fowler Steam roller no. 16961
- Heather Rose - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14149
- Heinz - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 1050
- Helen - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8242
- Helen - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10272
- Helen McGregor - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 3001
- Helga - Henschel Steam roller no. 5063
- Helpmate - Foster Showmans tractor no. 14347
- Hengist - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8455
- Hengist - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15210
- Henry - Garrett Showmans tractor no. 33545
- Henry - Marshall Traction Engine no. 78085
- Henry - Marshall Portable Engine no. 84532
- Henry - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 84562
- Her Majesty - Atkinson Steam wagon no. 72
- Her Majesty - Burrell Traction engine no. 2536
- Her Majesty - Scammell Ballast tractor Scammell Highwayman WUU 795
- Herbert - Foster Traction engine no. 13111
- Hercules - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8842
- Hercules - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10049
- Hercules - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10594
- Hercules - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15206
- Hercules - Robey & Co Portable engine no. 38403
- Hercules - Scammell Explorer of 1960 HKH 334
- Hercules - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Hermes - Fowler Steam roller no. 21833
- Hero - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 3675
- Hero - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 12427
- Hero - Burrell steam roller no. 4067
- Hero - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 13777
- Hero - J&H McLaren Ploughing Engine no. 1552
- Hero - William Tasker & Sons Steam tractor no. 1424
- Heroine - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 13776
- Herta - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10121
- Hertfordshire FB - Shand-Mason Fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Hertfordshire FB
- Herts Wanderer - Robey & Co Steam roller no. 45655
- Heskin Lady - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 25542
- Hielan Laddie - Foden Steam wagon no. 11444 (Formerly "Reliance")
- Hielan Lassie - Foden Steam wagon no. 9580
- High Flyer - Burrell Steam Yachts engine no. 3356
- Highland Lass - Fowler Traction engine no. 19456
- Highland Lassie - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8615
- Highland Maid - Aveling & Porter roller no. 14184
- Highlander - Fowler Steam roller no. 16235
- Highway Lass - Marshall traction Engine no. 56187
- Highway Queen - Armstrong Whitworth steam roller no. 10R50
- Hilary - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15517
- Hilda - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 12335
- Hilda - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 14695
- Hilda - Fowler Steam roller no. 15589
- Hilda - Green Steam roller no. 1978
- Hilda - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 88096
- Hildary - Ruston & Hornsby Agricultural engine no. 115100
- Himself - J&H McLaren Traction engine no. 435
- Hinton Admiral - Shand-Mason Steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Hinton Admiral
- His Grace - Foster Steam tractor no. 14514
- His Lordship - Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive No. 3444
- His Lordship - Sentinel steam waggon no. 8945
- His Majesty - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 2877
- His Majesty - Burrell Road Locomotive Crane engine no. 3829
- His Majesty - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14197
- Hissing Sid - Fowler steam roller no. 19353
- HMS Sultan - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 8393
- Holmevalian - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 9075
- Holly - Aveling-Barford road roller Aveling-Barford GA - (RDE 332)
- Hooky - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Crane engine no. 31086
- Hooter - scale model of Burrell traction engine
- Horace - Garrett steam tractor no. 33414
- Horrockes Norwich - Shand-Mason Steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Horrockes Norwich
- Horsa - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 15211
- Hot Favourite - Garrett steam tractor no. 34684
- Hotspur - Wallis & Steevens road roller no. 7963
- Hunslet - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 14068
- Icklingham Flyer - Foden Steam wagon no. 3510
- IDA - Fowler Steam roller no. 18867
- Ikanopit - Foster Steam Tractor No.14608
- Illustrious - Wynns Heavy Haulage 2400 ton tractor unit
- Independence - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3804
- Independence - Foster Traction Engine no. 12544
- Invincible - Burrell Traction engine no. 3771
- Invincible - Fowler Traction engine no. 6771
- Invincible - Garrett Showmans style tractor no. 33259
- Invincible - J&H McLaren Traction Engine no. 163
- Invincible - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7227
- Invincible - Wynns Heavy Haulage/Econofreight 250 ton tractor unit (MK II)
- Iona - Burrell Traction engine no. 3135
- Iona Lui - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 5636
- Irene - Foden Steam bus no. 4258
- Irish Lady - Fowler Steam roller no. 15965
- Irish Rover - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 7234
- Iron Ada - Fowler Steam roller no. 15813
- Iron Ada - Fowler Steam roller no. 16044
- Iron Duke - Fowler Traction engine no. 14758
- Iron Duke - GWR railway locomotive GWR 'Iron Duke' locomotive
- Iron Horse - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 52435
- Iron Maiden (The) ex (Kitchener) - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 15657
- Ironside - Burrell steam roller no. 3244
- Ironside - Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam roller no. 48946
- Isabella - Foden Steam wagon no. 1427
- Island - Ruston, Proctor and Company Traction engine Ruston-Proctor no. ?
- Island Chief - Foden Timber tractor no. 12370
- Island Chief - former name of Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3725 Excelsior
- Island Mor - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 8613
- Island Prince - Burrell Showman's tractor no. 3868
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel - DAF 8X4 Heavy Haulage Tractor NX58 FHP Prestons of Potto
- Ivanhoe - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 41046
- J J Coleman - Shand-Mason steam fire pump Shand-Mason - J J Coleman
- Jack - Burrell Convertible tractor no. 3398
- Jack - Ruston, Proctor and Company Portable engine no. 10743
- Jack - Ruston, Proctor and Company Traction engine no. 49804
- Jack - Ruston and Hornsby Portable engine no. 163854
- Jackie - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10448
- Jackie - Garrett Traction engine no. 27341
- Jack of Herts - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 16646
- Jack Supreme - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 11840
- James - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8378
- James Penfold - Fowler Traction engine no. 9924
- James Stuart - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 8100
- James the First - Wallis & Steevens Convertible tractor no. 7650
- Jane - Allchin traction engine no. 1458
- Jane - Foden showmans engine no. 2104
- Jane - Foster Traction engine no. 2775
- Jane - Marshall Steam roller no. 79087
- Jane Eyre - Burrell steam tractor no. 3626
- Jane Hathaway - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15195
- Janet - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10991
- Janet - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12103
- Janet - Burrell Traction engine no. 3937
- Janet (ex Yorkshire Lad) - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15336
- Jaroslava - Fowler Ploughing Engines no. 11082
- Jasmine - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8241
- Jasper - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 10143
- Jean - Fowler Traction engine no. 11695
- Jeanette - Burrell Steam roller no. 3388
- Jean May - Burrell traction engine no. 3607
- Jeffry - Wallis & Steevens motor (Road Roller) reg no. EOT 282
- Jem - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 76963
- Jemima - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 14402
- Jenny - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10431
- Jenny - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10662
- Jenny - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11171
- Jenny - Fowler Steam roller no. 15973
- Jenny - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 87866
- Jenny - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7836
- Jenny Wren - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7786
- Jessica - Fowler Steam roller no. 15902
- Jess - Fowler Road locomotive no. 9456
- Jess - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 51007
- Jesse - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 27254
- Jesse - Robey Portable engine no. 43739
- Jessie - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 6932
- Jessie - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10025
- Jessie - Burrell Traction Engine no. 3923
- Jill - Robey Portable engine no. 37958
- Jim - J&H McLaren Road locomotive no. 701
- Jimbo(Formerly The Big A) - Burrell Traction engine no. 1563
- Jimmie B - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 34151
- Jimmy - Aveling & Porter Road locomotive 4561
- Jimmy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 4581 ?
- Jimmy - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 9010
- Jimmy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14002
- Jimmy B - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 34151
- Jinglin' Geordie - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam tractor no. 68823
- Jo - Fowler Road locomotive no. 13141
- Jo-Ann - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 8653
- Joan - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10460
- Joan - Fowler Steam roller no. 17071
- Joan - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 79669
- Joan - Marshall, Sons & Co. Convertible roller no. 81119
- Joanne - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 9081
- Joby - Keck Gonnerman Traction Engine no. 1344
- Jock - Fowler Steam roller no. 16270
- Joe Chamberlain - Burrell Road Locomotive Crane engine no. 3166
- John - Fowler Road locomotive no. 14869
- John - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 16053
- Johnny - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10905
- Johnny - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15332
- Johnboy - Foster Steam tractor no. 14739 (new build)
- John Brown & Co.Ltd (Fire engine)- Merryweather Steam fire engine no. 1818
- John Bull - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10385
- John Bull - Savage Centre engine no. 638
- John Fowler - Fowler steam tractor no. 15629
- John Hampton - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10399
- John of Gaunt - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 4066
- John Michael - Foster steam tractor no. 14639
- Jolly - Tasker steam tractor no. 1765
- Jolly Joyce - Marshall steam roller no. 83270
- Jonah - Fowler Traction engine no. 7942
- Joseph - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14061
- Josephine - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14089
- Josephine - Garrett Traction engine no. 26046
- Juan Thoo - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 84922
- Jubilee - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 9096
- Jubilee - Fowler showman's engine conversion no. 17290
- Jubilee - Marshall Steam tractor no. 73900
- Jubilee - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 20760
- Jubilee - Sentinel Steam waggon no.5471
- Jubilee Queen - ERF E8 265 tractor unit - G806 MWD
- Judith - Aveling-Barford Steam roller no. AG 785
- Julia - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10921
- Julie - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 6093
- Julie - Garrett Steam tractor no. 33141
- Jumbo - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11129
- Jumbo - Marshall Steam roller no. 75826
- Jumbo the 4th - Foster traction engine no. 2127
- Jupiter - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8717
- Jupiter (ex Pathfinder) - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15426
- Jupiter - Sentinel Timber tractor no. 9097
- 57 Jeannie - Robey Steam roller no. 42216
- Kate - Foden steam waggon no. 7536
- Kate's Smile - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 12400
- Kathleen - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14071
- Kathleen - Burrell Traction engine no. 3249
- Kathleen - Burrell Steam tractor no. 3631
- Kathleen - Garrett Traction engine no. 34187
- Kathleen - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7979
- Katie - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10669
- Katie - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14017
- Katie - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14064
- Katie - Fowler steam roller no. 14342
- Katie - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 47592
- Katrina - Garrett steam tractor no. 32981
- Keeling - Burrell Traction engine no. 3121
- Kenilworth - Fowler Steam roller no. 15935
- Kenmore - Fowler Steam tractors no. 17260
- Kentish Maiden (also called Lucy) - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 12074
- Kenrow Princess - Foden Steam wagon no. 10163
- Kersey - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 43040
- Kent Fire Brigade - Shand-Mason steam Fire engine
- Kim - Aveling-Barford Steam roller no. AC605
- Kimolin Princess -Fowler Traction engine no. 15659
- King Carnival II - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 19783
- King Edward VII - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 2780
- King George - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10271
- King George V - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3285
- King George V - Burrell steam tractor no. 3554
- King George V - Burrell Traction engine no. 4094
- King George V - Foden Traction engine no. 2654
- King George V - Robey & Co traction engine no. 29450
- King George VI - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3489
- King Harry - McLaren Road Locomotive no. 1181
- King John - Marshall Steam Tractors no. 38977
- King of the Belgians - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3711
- King of the Road - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 9260
- King of the Road - Fowler Convertible tractor no. 16365
- King o'the Road - Fowler steam roller no. 18295
- King William - Foden Steam wagon no. 12388
- Kingfisher - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 14888
- Kinsale - Fowler Traction engine no. 21647
- Kips(ex Wee Tam) - Tasker steam tractor(ex roller) no. 1697
- Kirsty - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 8381
- Kitchener - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 9279
- Kitchener/The Iron Maiden - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 15657
- Kitty - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 12468
- Klondyke - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 29101
- Knap - Allchin Road Locomotive no. 3858
- Knapp - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11880
- La Grenouille - Albaret Portable engine No. ?
- Laddie - Burrell Steam tractor no. 3808
- Laddie - Clayton & Shuttleworth roller no. 44449
- Lady - See below
- Lady Bethany - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 5161
- Lady Betty - Fowler road locomotive no. 9381
- Lady Burrell - Burrell Traction engine no. 2147
- Lady Carrick - Fowler traction engine no. 9187
- Lady Caroline - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11565
- Lady Caroline - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15335
- Lady Catherine - Foden Steam wagon no. 13848
- Lady Colinda - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 11251 (in Holland)
- Lady Diana - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 15609
- Lady Ellena - 1/2 size Burrell Road Loco no. 4095
- Lady Fiona - Aveling & Porter Steam wagon no. 9282
- Lady Go Lightly - Savage Center engine No. 664
- Lady Gosen - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 6573
- Lady Gwen - Fowler Steam roller no. 19205
- Lady Hamilton - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8316
- Lady Hannah Fowler Road Locomotive no. 8424
- Lady Helen - Aveling-Barford steam roller AC621
- Lady Hesketh - Aveling & Porter Convertible tractor no. 9264
- Lady Isabella - Fowler traction engine no. 19570
- Lady Jane Aveling & Porter Convertible tractor/roller no. 12020
- Lady Jane - Burrell Traction engine no. 2505
- Lady Jane - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15334
- Lady Jane - Land Rover series ? VRA 175F
- Lady Janet - Fowler Traction engine no. 17483
- Lady Jayne - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15334
- Lady Jayne - Fowler steam roller no. 17951
- Lady Jean - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 47216
- Lady Jennifer - McLaren 4in Showmans road locomotive McLaren 4in - "Lady Jennifer"
- Lady Joanne - Aveling & Porter convertible tractor no. 9354
- Lady Lucy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8361
- Lady M - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine Boiler no 1363T
- Lady Margaret - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14179
- Lady Mary - Fowler Showmans conversion no. 16236
- Lady May - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no. 2592
- Lady of Lovesgrove - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 3586
- Lady of the Manor - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 5598
- Lady Olivia - Garrett Showmans tractor conversion no. 33818
- Lady Pride of England - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 2625
- Lady Raglan - Garrett Steam tractor no. 32048
- Lady Sandra - Fowler roller no. 17481
- Lady Sarah - Garrett Showman's Engine no. 33074
- Lady Sylvia - Burrell 4in scale Agricultural traction engine SAC 4in Burrell - "Lady Sylvia" (Built by The Steam Apprentice Club members)
- Lady Sylvia - Garrett Showman's conversion no. 34706
- Lakeland Princess - Marshall, Sons & Co. roller no. 65822
- Lakeview Pride - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 74746
- Lancashire Witch - Burrell Steam roller no. 3484
- Langham Belle - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 42036
- Laura - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 28334
- Le Grenouille - Albaret Portable engine (UP28)
- Leader - Burrell Steam roller no. 3994
- Leader - Foden steam wagon no. 12630
- Leeson - Aveling & Poter steam roller no. 11542
- Legacy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11956
- Leiston Town - Garrett Showman's Engine no. 33348
- Lena - Allchin traction engine no. 1311
- Lena - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 2811(Dutch engine)
- Lesley - Garrett Traction engine no. 35225
- Lettuce - Fowler Convertible tractor no. 7769
- Leviathan - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 6090
- Leviathan - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine 53360
- L'Escargot Fowler convertible tractor no. 17496
- Liberty - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 2680
- Lightning II - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3526
- Likely Lad - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 7583
- Lillian - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7967
- Lillie - Foden Steam wagon no. 13476
- Lily - Fowler roller no. 18663
- Lily - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 10753
- Lily - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 11412
- Lily Marlene - Fowler showmans conversion no. 18875
- Lily of the Valley - Tasker Traction engine no. 1718
- Linda - Aveling-Barford Steam roller no. AG757
- Linda - Aveling-Barford Steam roller no. AH363
- Lindy Lou - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 78085
- Linkey - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14257
- Lion - Burrell tractor no. 3718
- Lion - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 14115
- Lion - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15362
- Lion - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15442
- Lion - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 19782
- Lion - Marshall, Sons & Co. convertible traction engine no. 74871
- Lion - Sentinel Steam waggon no.8850
- Lion Lord of the Forest - Burrell Showmans tractor no. 3718
- Lisa - Aveling & Porter Steam roller No. 2957
- Little - See below
- Little Atom - Wallis & Steevens Steam tractor no. 7881
- Little Audrey - Davey Paxman Traction engine no. 16849
- Little Audrey - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 34022
- Little Beauty - Tidman Centre engine Tidman CE - Little Beauty
- Little Ben - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 6818
- Little Billy - Garrett Showman's Engine no. 33566
- Little Buttercup - Robinson & Auden Traction engine no. 1376
- Little Dawn - Fowler Showmans conversion no. 17506
- Little Dorothy - Burrell Traction engine no. 3862
- Little Dragon - Brown and May Portable engine Brown and May - Little Dragon UP3 (no s/n)
- Little Gem - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8240
- Little Gem - Foster Agricultural engine no. 14638
- Little Gem - Humphries portable engine no. 219
- Little Giant - Tasker convertible roller no. 1409
- Little Jim - Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co. steam tractor no. 1425
- Little Jim - Savage Bros centre engine no. 772
- Little Jim II - Tasker Steam tractor no. 1822
- Little Jo - Armstrong & Whitworth roller No. 10R19
- Little Lady - Foden Steam tractor (Timber) no. 13444
- Little Lauren - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no. 2959
- Little Liam - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11448
- Little Lou - Marshall, Sons & Co. roller 82389
- Little Lucy - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 6298
- Little Lucy - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 27268
- Little Mac - Burrell Traction engine no. 2950
- Little Mary Fowler traction engine no. 11246
- Little Mo - Allchin Traction engine no. 1652
- Little N ? - Wallis & Steevens Steam tractor no.7637 formerly Spitfire and Tortington
- Little Nell - Model of Wallis & Steevens Steam roller
- LITTLE OLD NICK - 1/2 size model of Old Nick no. 23635
- Little Olga - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no. 2656
- Little Peter - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10545
- Little Samson - Savage popular design of miniature steam engine of a 'lost' engine.
- Little Sheila - Davey Paxman & Co portable engine no. 15584
- Little Stoke - Fowler steam roller no. 17487
- Little Topper - Burrell Steam tractor no. 3545
- Little Wally - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7790
- Little Wonder - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 6544
- Little Wonder - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7878
- Lively Lady - Wallis & Steevens convertible tractor no. 7479
- Lizer - Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co. Steam Tractor no. 1343
- Lizzie - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam tractor no. 65650
- Lizzie - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7981
- Lizzie McKenna - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 5137
- Lizzy - Ruston and Hornsby Portable engine no. 145698
- Locki - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7372
- Logan - Babcock & Wilcox steam roller no. 95/4012
- Lothian Lass - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine conversion no. 82506
- Lola Rose - Geiser (Peerless) Portable no. 5966
- London Belle - Garrett Showman's Engine no. 34706
- London Pride - Foden Steam wagon no. 13138
- Lord - See below
- Lord Burrell - Burrell Traction engine no. 1144
- Lord Charlie - Fowler Traction engine no. 8337
- Lord Derby - Burrell Traction engine no. 3695
- Lord Doverdale - Fowler Traction engine No. 14805
- Lord Elpus - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12342
- Lord Fisher of Lambeth - Burrell Road locomotive no. 3824
- Lord George - Burrell Road locomotive no. 3636
- Lord George - Foden (6" scale) - Steam ? - YK08 BE
- Lord George - Garrett steam tractor no. 33358
- Lord George - Scammell Show / Ballast tractor Scammell Highwayman CWE 757H
- Lord Jellico - Fowler Steam roller no. 18874
- Lord Jim - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 7080
- Lord Kitchener - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3633
- Lord Kitchener - Fowler Steam roller no. 9005
- Lord Lansdowne - Burrell Road locomotive no. 2824
- Lord Lascelles - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3886
- Lord Louis - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7685
- Lord Malvern - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10625
- Lord Nelson - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 2879
- Lord Nelson - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3443
- Lord of the Isles - Foster Showman's Engine no. 14589
- Lord of the Isles - Fowler Traction engine no. 14012
- Lord Raglan - Garrett Steam tractor no. 33738
- Lord Roberts - Burrell Traction engine no. 3057
- Lord Roberts - Fowlers road locomotive no. 8903
- Loretta - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8752
- Lorna - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 52540
- Lorna Doone - Burrell Steam Tractor no. 4062
- Lorna Doone - Foden Steam wagon no. 11208
- Lothian Lass - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine conversion no. 82506
- Loughrigg - McLaren Traction engine no. 787
- Louise - Clayton & Shuttleworth Convertible traction engine No. 38742
- Lou Lindy - Garrett Traction engine no. 34045
- Luci - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10575
- Lucifer - Ruston and Hornsby Traction engine no. 52573
- Lucinda - Garrett steam tractor no. 25565
- Lucy (also called Kentish Maiden) - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12074
- Lucy - Clayton & Shuttleworth portable engine no. 48980
- Lucy - Garrett Steam tractor no. 23992
- Lucy - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no.8112
- Lucy Ashton - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 46059
- Lucy Glitters - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 9179
- Lucy May - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 11997
- Lugtroute Lion Fowler roller no. 15698
- Lurcher - Burrell Steam engine no. 3882
- Lydia - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 5156
- Lydia Grace - Savage Centre engine no. 657
- Lyonesse - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 88166
- Madge - Garrett roller no. 33636
- Maeve - Garrett steam tractor no. 33395
- Magdeburg - Fowler ploughing engine no. 11082
- Maggie - Richard Hornsby & Sons Steam tractor no. 6557
- Maggie May - Sentinel Steam Tractor no. 5558
- Magnus - Burrell Traction engine no. 3307
- Maid Marian - Foster Showmans tractor no. 12509
- Maid Marion - Marshall, Sons & Co. roller no. 76116
- Maid of Cefn Ydfa - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 9386
- Maid of Kent - Fowler 4inch scale showmans engine (ex Lady Betty)
- Maid of the Mist - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 47576
- Maid of the West - (Error in TER see Maid of the Mist above)
- Majestic - Aveling & Porter convertible tractor no. 10156
- Majestic - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3890
- Majestic - Foden Steam wagon no. 13456
- Majestic - Fowler Steam roller no. 15752
- Major Henry - Marshall, Sons & Co. road roller No. 86104
- Major - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9128
- Major Stanley - Foden Steam tractor no. 13746
- Manvers Main Colliery - Merryweather Fire pump Merryweather - Manvers Main Colliery
- Margaret - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 6165
- Margaret - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 7898
- Margaret - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12088
- Margaret - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3926
- Margaret - Foden Steam wagon no. 13624
- Margaret - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 1368
- Margaret - Garrett Traction engine no. 28218
- Margaret - Garrett steam tractor no. 33091
- Margaret - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 51025
- Marie - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 14385
- Marie Rose - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9102
- Marilyn Joanne - Clayton & Shuttleworth traction engine no. 47134
- Marina - Burrell Traction engine Burrell no. 1244
- Marina - Fowler Traction engine no. 14958
- Marion - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 26871
- Marion - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 69872
- Marjorie - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 7271
- Marlborough - Fowler traction engine no. 9507
- Marmaduke - Burrell Traction engine no. 2933
- Marshall Foch - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3849
- Martha - Sentinel steam bus no. 8714
- Mary - Fowler Traction engine no. 8224
- Mary - Marshall Steam roller no. 76797
- Mary - Turner Portable engine no. 981
- Mary Ann - Fowler steam roller no. 17580
- Mary B - Marshall, Sons & Co. portable engine no. 41469
- Mary B - Marshall, Sons & Co. portable engine UP32
- Mary Margaret - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 17134
- Mary Marshall - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 52367
- Mascot - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam tractor no. 68754
- Master - Fowler Ploughing Engine (Pair with Mistress) no. 15139
- Master Fred - Foster Traction engine no. 2163
- Master John - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14253
- Masterpiece - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 2072
- Matilda - Foden steam tractor no. 11788
- Matilda - Foster traction engine no. 14568
- Matilda - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Steam wagon no. 34270
- Maude - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no.5605
- Maude - Foster Showman's road locomotive no. 3642
- Maude - Tuxford & Sons Ltd Portable engine no. 1131
- Maude Foster - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 8597
- Mauretania - Burrell traction engine no. 3297
- Mawla Well - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 8301
- May - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 10193
- May Queen - Burrell Steam tractor conversion (ex roller) no. 3497
- May Queen - McLaren steam tractor no. 1413
- May Queen - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engineno. 44042
- May Queen - Savage Bros Centre engine no. 627
- Mayor - Scammell Showtrac AMR 600
- Mayrnach - Wallis & Steevens traction engine No. T169
- Medina - Garrett Showman's Engine no. 33902
- Mendip Lady - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 26995
- Mendip Star - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor conversion no. 8432
- Mephistopheles - Burrell Traction engine no. 3686
- Mercury - Garrett Steam tractor no. 28410
- Merlin - Foden Steam tractor no. 13156
- Metropolitan - William Rose Fire engine William Rose - Metropolitan(T58)
- Metropolitan FE P3 - Shand-Mason fire engine Shand Mason - Metropolitan FE P3
- Michael - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 16054
- Michelle Louise - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 2394
- Middleton Park - Merryweather Fire engine no. 2990
- Midnight - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 14893
- Midnight - Ruston Proctor roller no. 38591
- Midnight - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 5407
- Midnight - Wallis & Steevens rollerno. 7539
- Midnight Rambler - Foden Traction engine no. 13120
- Mighty Atom - Foden stream tractor no. 14078
- Mighty Atom - Foster Steam tractor no.13031
- Mighty Atom - Garrett Steam tractor no. 33305
- Mighty Mann - Mann Steam Tractor no. 1216
- Mighty Mouse - AEC Militant VSK 996 Recovery & Timber Tractor.
- Micks Mac - McLaren Road locomotive no. 1012
- Millenium King - Burrell traction engine no. 2612
- Mini Mayor - 1/2 size version of Burrell showmans Ex Mayor.
- Millie - Fowler Steam roller no. 10386
- Miss Mann - Mann Steam roller no. 1145
- Mistress - Fowler Ploughing Engine(pair with Master) no. 15138
- Moby Dick - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8097
- Mollie - Burrell Traction engine conversion(ex Roller) no. 3931
- Molly - Aveling-Barford Motor roller GA?
- Molly - Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam roller no. 40687
- Molly - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 7626
- Molly Pugh - Aveling & Porter Convertible tractor no. 9181
- Mona - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 4604
- Monarch - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 8672
- Monarch - Babcock & Wilcox Steam roller no. 95/4014
- Monarch - Foden Road Locomotive no. 3534
- Monarch - Foden Steam wagon no. 12586
- Monarch of the Road - Fowler Showman's conversion no. 14934 (in the Auto und Technik Museum, Sinsheim Germany)
- Monty - Fowler traction engine no. 8781
- Monty - Fowler steam roller no. 16433
- Monty - Fowler Traction engine no. 19388
- Moonlight Magic - Ruston & Hornsby Steam roller no. 158623
- Moonraker - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11659
- Moonraker - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam tractor no. 78953
- Moonraker - Scammell Showtrac Reg no. ?
- Moose - George White Agricultural Traction engine No. 1198
- Morganydd - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8906
- Morning Glory - Burrell Traction engine conversion no. 3657
- Morning Star - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10043
- Morning Star - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 11486
- Morning Star - Fowler Steam roller No. 18507
- Morning Star - Garrett steam tractor no. 33370
- Moyola Queen - Steam wagon Hino lorry/ ? steam engine creation based in NI [2]
- MrBlower - Fowler Steam Tractor no. 15288
- Mr.Bunce - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14084
- MrPotter - Garrett Tractor no. 31633
- Mr Plod - Scammell Ballast tractor Scammell Highwayman 3166 RH
- Mr Shifter - Scammell Breakdown crane Scammell Constructor Q905 NPP
- Mr Therm - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 8827
- Mr Tweedie - J&H McLaren Road locomotive no. 1295
- MTOTO - Fowler Steam Tractor no. 14406
- MTOTWO - Foster replica Steam Tractor (new build by Great Northern Steam)
- Muttley - Fowler Steam roller no. 15688
- Murphy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller(twin) no. 12023
- Murphy - Fowler showmans conversion no. 16871
- Musketeer - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- My Delight - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 13910
- Myfanwy - Mann Steam tractor no. 1325
- Naiad - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10017
- Nancy - Aveling & Porter convertible traction engine no. 5065
- Nancy - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3288
- Natalie - Ruston and Hornsby Steam roller no. 122282
- Navigator - Fowler steam roller no. 16078
- Needham Market - Shand-Mason fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Needham Market
- Nell Gwynn - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 4073
- Nella May - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11956
- Nelli Secundus - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8064
- Nellie - Clayton & Shuttleworth Portable engine UP 10
- Nellie - Marshall Portable engine no. 78147
- Nellie Dene - Aveling & Porter convertible traction engine no. 8679
- Nero - Burrell Showman's engine no. 3669
- Neville - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15279
- Newbury - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - "Newbury"
- Niagara - Buffalo Pitts traction engine no. 299
- Niall - Wallis & Steevens Steam tractor conversion no. 7572
- Nicola - Clayton & Shuttleworth steam roller no. 48971
- Nightmare - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 12754
- Nil Desperandum - Fowler roller no. 19047
- Nimbus - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11976
- Nipper - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7840
- Nippy - Aveling & Porter Convertible steam tractor no. 9354
- Nippy - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 11705
- Nippy - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 7966
- No.1 - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3865
- No.1 - Fowler steam roller no. 18882
- No.1 - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 23885
- No.1 - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 43719
- No.1 - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 1960
- No.5 - Ruston, Proctor and Company Portable engine Ruston Proctor PE - No.5
- No.7 - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10617
- No.7 - Ruston, Proctor Portable engine no. 36441
- No.8 - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 18407
- No.41 - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10596
- No.105 - Foster Traction engine no. 14438
- No.109 - Aveling Barford Steam roller AE998
- No.123 - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 5623
- Nobby - Burrell Steam Tractor (Crane engine) no. 3807
- Nobby - Mann Sream wagon no. 1120
- Noreen - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 2013
- Normanby House - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - "Normanby House"
- Northampton - Wm. Allchin Ltd Steam roller no. 1131
- Northern Princess - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11558
- Northern Star - Fowler Steam roller no. 16665
- Northern Star - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 24585
- North Lancashire - Shand-Mason Steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - North Lancashire
- Nuffrush - Ruston & Hornsby Steam roller no. 52694
- Nulli Secundus - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no.8064
- Number 9 - Aveling & Porter Road roller no. 10718
- Nut Roast - Fowler steam roller no. 16436
- 'Obby' Oss - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11216
- Oberon - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no, 11839
- Obsession - Foster Showmans tractor No. 14205
- Odd Ball - Bucyrus-Erie BE 1150B Dragline (in preservation)
- Odin - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11833
- Old Andy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10014
- Old Bill - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 2760
- Old Bill - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 8777
- Old Bob - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 84480
- Old Dutch - Burrell Steam Tractors no. 2417
- Old England - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 48656
- Old Ernie - Burrell Steam roller no. 3535
- Old Faithful - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8778
- Old Faithful - Burrell Agricultural engine no. 1426
- Old Faithful - Burrell traction engine no. 2386
- Old Faithful - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 35247
- Old Glory - Burrell Traction engine no. 2421
- Old Glory - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 36731
- Old Guard - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 12366
- Old Hiram - Clayton & Shuttleworth Portable engine no. 50004
- Old Hun - Scammell 15MU NLR 268
- Old Isaac - See Owd Isaac below
- Old Jim - Fowler Steam roller no. 17071
- Old Ken - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7844
- Old King Cole - Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co. steam tractor no. 1260
- Old Lady - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 5697
- Old Lass - Marshall Traction engine no. 35554
- Old Lytham - Burrell Traction engine no. 2112
- Old Lytham II - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7867
- Old Ned - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 37823
- Old Nick - Aveling-Barford Road roller No. AG760
- Old Nick - Marshall Agricultural traction engine No. 49725
- Old No.1 - Alley MacLellan steam waggon Sentinel no. 1488
- Old Pal - Garrett Steam tractor no. 33458
- Old Peculier - Aveling & Porter Traction engine (conversion) no. 10563
- Old Peculiar - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 27596
- Old Rosie - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 9158
- Old Smokey - Foster Traction engine no. 12394
- Old Tim - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 3197
- Old Timer - Marshall Agricultural traction engine no. 37690
- Old Vic - Garrett Portable engine no. 35425
- Ole Bill - Burrell Traction engine no. 2855
- Ollie - Fowler Steam roller no. 16148
- Olive - Foster Steam tractor no. 14289
- Olive - Garrett Traction engine no. 29764
- Oliver - Ruston & Hornsby Traction engine no. 113043
- Oliver Ruston Proctor steam tractor no. 52329
- Omega - Aveling-Barford Steam roller no. AH162
- Omon - Marshall Steam roller no. 80608
- One of Kitcheners Boys - Tasker Steam tractor no. 1666
- Onward - Fowler Steam tractor no. 15293
- Onward - Fowler Showman's road locomotive (replica) no. 19989
- Oor Wullie - Fowler Steam roller no. 17273
- Oor Wullie - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 89549
- Ophelia - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8794
- Oriana - Fowler Steam Tractor no. 17287
- Orinoco - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 12766
- Osram - Fowler Diesel Railway shunter no. 20067
- Outlaw - Burrell Showmans conversion no. 3220
- Our Nipper - Robey & Co steam tractor no. 41493
- Owenabue Rambler - Burrell Traction engine no. 3391
- Owd Isaac - Burrell Steam roller no. 2649
- Paddy - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15223 (exported 2015)
- Paddy - Fowler Steam roller no. 16175
- Paddy - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 27461
- Pamela - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 7372
- Pamir - McLaren steam tractor no. 1663
- Pandora - (now Mtoto) Fowler steam tractor no. 14406
- Pandora - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no, 7293
- Panther - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7269
- Paradox - Clayton & Shuttleworth steam roller no. 48944
- Parsons Pleasure - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 17107
- Patience - Aveling & Porter traction engine conversion no. 5293
- Patience - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15218
- Patience - Scammell Ballast tractor unit HUV 526
- Patience - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no. 2787
- Patricia - Aveling-Barford Road roller No. AC604
- Patricia (Formerly Westmorland Star) - Aveling-Barford Road roller No. AD073
- Patricia - Foden Steam wagon no. 13178
- Patricia - Garrett Steam tractor no. 33991
- Patricia - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 40047
- Patricia B - Fowler Steam roller no. 19053
- Paul - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15143
- Pauline - Savage Bros centre engine no. 899
- Pearl - Marshall traction engine no. 46276
- Peace (pair with Victory) - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14726
- Peace - Fowler Steam roller no. 15854
- Pedler - Wallis & Steevens Agricultural engine no. 7248
- Peg O' My Heart - Foden steam wagon no. 13716
- Pegasus - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 7771
- Pegasus - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10707
- Peggotty - Marshall Steam roller no. 77474
- Peggy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12450
- Peggy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14129
- Peggy - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 36336
- Peggy - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 24121
- Peggy - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 9277
- Peggy - Ruthemeyer steam roller no. 661
- Penare - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10981
- Pendle Duke - Foden steam tractor no. 13238
- Pendle Lady - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 9003
- Pendle Prince - Fowler steam wagon no. 19708
- Pendle Princess - Garrett Showman's tractor conversion no. 33705 (exported to Japan, 1976)
- Pendle Queen - Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co. steam wagon no. 940
- Penny - Scammell Ballast Tractor OLU 504
- Penrhyn Castle - Merryweather fire engine no. 1788
- Pensioner - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7662
- Pentland Queen - Fowler Steam roller No.17501
- Pepperpot - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7936
- Percy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10718
- Perdita - Robey Portable engine no. 41005
- Perrys Pride - 1/2 size Foden steam wagon
- Perseverance - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10005
- Perseverance - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 11670
- Perseverance - Burrell Traction engine no. 3262
- Perseverance - Foden steam tractor no. 12370
- Perseverance - Foden Timber tractor no. 13068
- Perseverance The Second - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3483(also known as Perseverance II)
- Peter Pan - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3433
- Petz - Lanz centre engine Lanz UI Centre engine - Petz
- Phantom of Delight - Wallis & Steevensroller no. 7974
- Phoebe - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 8033
- Phoenix - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10350
- Phoenix - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10997
- Phoenix - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 48279
- Phoenix - Foster Traction engine no. 3710
- Phoenix - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 2696
- Phoenix - Fowler Road locomotive no. 11844
- Phoenix - Fowler Road Locomotive Fowler UI ?
- Phoenix - McLaren Traction engine no. 510
- Pioneer - Foster traction engine no. 13111
- Pioneer - Wantage Engineering Co. traction engine no. 1522
- Pippin - Brown and May Steam Tractors no. 7530
- Pluisje - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11016 (In Holland)
- Pocahontas - Sentinel steam waggon no. 9142
- Polly - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14090
- Pollyann - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 4877
- Poppet - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11618
- Poppy - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 5446
- Poppy - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 12662
- Poppyland - Marshall Steam roller no. 79108
- Porky/Dobbin - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 85060
- Port-a-Belle - Marshall Portable engine no. 70528
- Porth Fire Station - Merryweather fire engine / pump no. 2662
- Portly Polly - Ruston, Proctor and Company Portable engine no. 51457
- Portway Puffer - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7449
- Pride of Anna Valley - Tasker Steam tractor no. 1592
- Pride of Barum - Ruston Proctor Steam roller no. 48359
- Pride of Bangbourne - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 2459
- Pride of Burley - Foden Steam wagon no. 5078
- Pride of Castle Bawn - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 8088
- Pride of Chudleigh Marshall traction engine no. 75592
- Pride of Devon - Burrell traction engine no. 4014
- Pride of Devon - Wallis & Steevens Road Locomotive no. 2796
- Pride of Dorset/(also known as Princess Mary) - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3949
- Pride of Dorset - Burrell Steam roller no. 4025
- Pride of Edwin - Foden Steam wagon no. 6368
- Pride of Endrick - Ruston & Hornsby traction engine no. 113812
- Pride of Essex - Foster Showman's Engine no. 13036
- Pride of Freystrop - Foster Traction engine no. 12394
- Pride of Fulham - Foden steam tractor no. 13196
- Pride of Hanley Castle - Fowler Traction engine no. 11699
- Pride of Ilford - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10175
- Pride of Kilkenny - Aveling & Porter Convertible tractor no. 6795
- Pride of Leven - Foden Road Locomotive no. 1174
- Pride of Lincolnshire - George Elston steam tractor no. 7
- Pride of Marwood (Formerly Luci) - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10575
- Pride of Navan - Marshall Traction engine conversion no. 86780
- Pride of Newquay - Burrell Steam roller no. 4060
- Pride of Northamptonshire - Fowler traction engine no. 10855
- Pride of Pembroke - Marshall Steam roller no. 75015
- Pride of Reading - Foster steam tractor conversion no. 14044
- Pride of Scotland - garrett Steam tractor conversion no. 27342
- Pride of Somerset - Burrell steam roller no. 3411
- Pride of Somerset - Burrell Steam roller no. 4004
- Pride of Somerset - Foden Steam wagon no. 11414
- Pride of South Derry - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 6890
- Pride of South Hams - Burrell Traction engine No. 3034
- Pride of Sussex - Foden Steam wagon no. 13266
- Pride of the Cotswolds - Walker Centre engine Walker no. ?
- Pride of the Fens (also known as Dragon) - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3912
- Pride of the Forest - Aveling & Porter Convertible traction engine no.5800
- Pride of the Isle - Marshall portable engine no. 35922
- Pride of the Marsh - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11519
- Pride of the Marsh - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 26475
- Pride of the North - Foster Steam roller no. 14046
- Pride of the Road - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 4660
- Pride of the Road - Burrell Steam roller no. 3956
- Pride of the Road - Marshall traction engine no. 54587
- Pride of the Shannon - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 15713
- Pride of the South - Ex - Traction engine no. 43173
- Pride of the Walk - Robey & Co Traction engine no. 28094
- Pride of the West - Burrell Traction engine no. 3739
- Pride of the West - Foden Steam wagon no. 10530
- Pride of the Wye - Fowler traction engine No. 9225
- Pride of Wales - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 8712
- Pride of Worcester - Burrell Showman's engine no. 2894
- Primrose - Marshall steam tractor conversion no. 82206
- Prince - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 5150
- Prince - Burrell Traction engine no. 3728
- Prince - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14383
- Prince - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15231
- Prince - sentinel Steam waggon no. 8992
- Prince - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 9307
- Prince Albert - Aveling & Porter roller no. 4765
- Prince Andrew - Marshall traction engine no. 66182
- Prince Charles - Burrell Traction engine no. 2963
- Prince of Wales - Aveling-Barford Steam roller AC606
- Prince of Wales - Fowler Showman's engine No. 14948 reg EB 4999
- Prince of Wales - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 88314
- Princess - Burrell Traction engine no. 3125
- Princess - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 12255
- Princess - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14384
- Princess - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15230
- Princess - Merryweather Steam fire engine no. 8813
- Princess America/Princess Tammy - Geiser (Peerless) traction engine no. 4726
- Princess Anne - Aveling & Porter tractor conversion no. 12461
- Princess Anne - Ruston & Hornsby Steam tractor no. 52766
- Princess Caroline -Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15170
- Princess Caroline - Fowler Steam roller no. 18843
- Princess Marina - Aveling & Porter tractor conversion no. 12396
- Princess Marina - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3847
- Princess Marina - Garrett traction engine no. 32944
- Princess Mary - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3343
- Princess Mary - Burrell traction Engine no. 3924
- Princess Mary - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3933
- Princess Mary/(Pride of Dorset) - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3949
- Princess Mary - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15436
- Princess Mary - Garrett Showman's Engine no. 32762
- Princess Mary - Garrett Steam Tractor no. 33278
- Princess Mary - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 73901
- Princess Maud - Garrett Showman's Engine no. 33284
- Princess of Wales - Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive No. 3703
- Princess Royal - Burrell Traction engine no. 3106
- Princess Royal - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3295 (also known as Erins Pride Leads the Way)
- Princess Royal - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3789
- Princess Royal - Fowler showmans tractor conversion no. 19050
- Princess Royal - Garrett steam tractor no. 33295
- Princess Victoria - Aveling & Porter Showman's tractor conversion no. 8376
- Priory Belle - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10237
- Proctor's Pride - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 9074
- Progress - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 5917
- Progress - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no.3950
- Progress - Fowler Ploughing Engine (pair with Success)no. 15412
- Progress - Fowler Steam roller no. 16134
- Progress - Scammell Showtrac Reg no.?
- Progress - Wallis & Steevens Agricultural traction engine No. 7498
- Prorsum Semper - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 8196
- Prospector - Foden Showman's Engine no. 2104 (Formerly "Jane")
- Prosper-Gem - Fowler traction engine no. 11594
- Proud Salopian - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 69326
- Providence - Fowler Road locomotive no. 15649
- Pouss-Nouk-Nouk - Burrell Steam tractor no. 3846
- Prudhoe Urban - Merryweather fire engine no. 3254
- Puffin - Marshall Convertible roller no. 81119
- Puffin Billy - Fowler Traction engine no. 11114
- Puffing Billy - Foden Steam bus (wagon) no. 11340
- Puffing Billy (locomotive) - Early railway locomotive - built in 1813/14 by Timothy Hackworth
- Punch - Marshall, Sons & Co. TE conversion no. 36258
- Queenie - Ruston, Proctor and Company Traction engine no. 51737
- Queen Alexandra - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3103
- Queen Bess - Ruston and Hornsby Traction engine no. 169166
- Queen Elizabeth - ? Showmans tractor(new build) ?
- Queen Jubilee - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10994
- Queen of Gt.Britain - Garrett Showman's Engine no. 33486
- Queen of Herts - Burrell steam tractor no. 3774
- Queen of Herts - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 6139
- Queen of Steam - Fowler Traction engine no. 11031 in ROI
- Queen of the Lees - Aveling & Porter traction engine Aveling & Porter no. ?SZT945
- Queen Mary - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3288
- Queen Mary - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 3777
- Queen Mary - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3833
- Queen Mary - Foden Steam wagon no. 1742
- Queen Mary - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 15319
- Queen Mary - Sentinel steam tractor no. 9236
- Queen Mary - Tidman Centre engine Tidman - Queen Mary (no sn)
- Queen Phillippa - Garrett Showmans tractor no. 33899
- Queen Victoria - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 4255
- Queen Victoria - Merryweather steam fire engine no. 4296
- Quiet Man - Fowler Showman's road locomotive (conversion) no. 14869 in NI
- Quo Vadis - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3938
- See also Queen (disambiguation) for summary of vehicles named "xyz Queen".
- Rajah - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3509
- Ralph - Fowler Steam roller no. 15942
- Rambler - Aveling & Porter steam tractor No. 12115
- Rambler - Clayton & Shuttleworth traction engine no. 48215
- Rambler - Fowler steam roller no. 18877
- Rambler - J & H McLaren traction engine no. 616
- Raven - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7833
- Rebecca - Charles Burrell & Sons steam roller no. 4044
- Rebel - Allchin traction engine no. 1546
- Reckless - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 4932
- Red Admiral - Clayton & Shuttleworth traction engine no. 47048
- Redgauntlet - Charles Burrell & Sons traction engine no. 3798
- Redgauntlet - Fowler Traction engine no. 15313 in ROI
- Reg - Savage Bros Steam Yacht Engine no. 867 (in ? Steam Yachts)
- Reliable - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 8394
- Reliance - Charles Burrell & Sons steam tractor no. 2876
- Reliance - Foden steam tractor no. 11444(Hielan Laddie)
- Reliance - Foden steam wagon no. 13752
- Reliance - Fowell & Co. Traction engine no. 98
- Renown - Wynns Heavy Haulage 150 ton tractor unit
- Renown - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15256
- Renown - Fowler Showman's Engine No. 15653
- Reo - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 84921
- Repulse - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15257
- Repulse - Fowler Showman's Engine No. 15652
- Resolute - Wynns Heavy Haulage 150 ton tractor unit
- Resolution - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10357
- Respite - Fowler Showman's Engine No. 20122
- Rhianon - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 11451
- Rhoda - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14044
- Ringing Rock - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine 52788
- Ringo - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no.84620
- Rising Star - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 83901
- Road King - marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no.76831
- Rob Roy - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10291
- Rob Roy - Foden traction engine no. 9052
- Rob Roy - Garrett Traction engine no. 35461
- Rob Roy - Marshal, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 78312
- Robahn - Marshall, sons & Co. portable engine no. 70081
- Robin Hood - Foster Showmans tractor conversion no.14431
- Robert the Bruce - Fowler traction engine no. 18155
- Robert the Devil - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12156
- Robey - Robey & Co Portable engine Roby no. ?
- Roby - Foden steam wagonno. 13316
- Rodney - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7943
- Roland - Fowler Traction engine no. 11352
- Roll On - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 14186
- Rolling On - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 87260
- Romeo - Bromovsky, Schulz & Sohr steam roller no. 842
- Rosalee - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 13865
- Rosalie - Savage Bros Centre engine no. 915 (new build by Belmec International)
- Rose - Green Steam roller no. 1968
- Rose - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no.75653
- Rosemarie - Burrell Traction engine no. 4088
- Rosemary - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 12152
- Rosemary - Garrett steam tractor no. 33373
- Rosetta - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9024
- Rosetta - Ruston and Hornsby Showmans tractor no. 52656
- Rosie - Foden Steam wagon no. 11962
- Rosie - Foden Steam tractor no. 13266
- Rosie - Fowler Steam roller no. 16144
- Roslyn - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 8974
- Rowley - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 6458
- Royal Chester - Allchin Traction engine no. 3251
- Royal Sovereign - Fowler Showman's Engine - conversion no. 18503
- Royal Star - Wallis & Steevens showmans tractor no. 7482
- Royalty - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 6847
- Ruby - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 14125
- Ruby - Robey Traction engine no. 40062
- Ruckinge - Aveling & Porter steam rollerno.11093
- Ruffie - Fowler steam roller no. 17234
- Ruth - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15333
- Ruth - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15516
- Ruth - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7745
- Rutherglen - Aveling & Porter Traction engine no. 833
- Ruthus - 1/2 size Sentinel Steam wagon T613 SDT
- Rusty - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15145
- Rusty - Ruston Proctor Agricultural Engine no. 34987
- Rusty - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 8065
- Rusty Nuts - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11788
- Rusty Rose(Formerly Pride of Monewden) - Burrell Traction engine no. 2507
- Ryan - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 66134
- Sadie - Ruston and Hornsby Traction engine no. 122300
- Saint - Foster Traction engine no. 14637
- Saint Brannock - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3894
- Saint Bernard - Burrell Showmans tractor conversion no. 3192
- Sallie - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 74450
- Sally - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 4877
- Sally - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10126
- Sally - Barrows & Co. portable engine no. 2420
- Sally - Burrell steam roller no. 3047
- Sally - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14380
- Sally - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 49865
- Sally - Wallis & Steevens Steam tractor no. 7740
- Salty - Fowler ploughing engine no. 14379
- Sam - Brown & May portable engine no. 4561
- Sam - Marshall, Sons & Co.traction engine conversion no. 88360
- Sam Hird - Fowler ploughing engine no.15405
- Samantha - Foden Steam wagon no. 13454
- Sammy Lou - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11206
- Samson - Aveling & Porter Road locomotive no. 4885
- Samson - Burrell Steam roller no.4069
- Samson - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15349
- Samson - Garrett showmans tractor no. 33459
- Samuel Pepys - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 2333
- Sandbach - Foden Road locomotive no. 1423
- Sandringham - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15365
- Sandy - Fowler Traction engine no. 11352
- Sandy MacNab - Foden Road locomotive no. 4752
- Sansparell - Savage centre engine no. 894
- Santa Maria - Foden steam wagon no. 13802
- Santon I.O.M. - Burrell Traction engine conversion no. 4005
- Sapphire - Garrett showmans tractor conversion no. 33380
- Saraben - Fowler traction engine no. 18539
- Saracen - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 2574
- Sarah - Aveling-Barford steam roller no. AH425
- Sarah - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 3430
- Sarah - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 9347
- Sarah - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15208
- Sarah - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies portable no. 20539
- Sarah - Savage Lighting engine no. 761
- Satan - Fowler ploughing engine no. 15172(In Sweden from 1980)
- Saturn - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15427
- Saucy Sue - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 15453
- Scots Lady - Fowler traction engine conversion no. 21635
- Scout - Burrell Steam tractor no. 3313
- Scrumpy - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 74614
- Seagry - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 11446
- Seana Mac - McLaren traction engine no. 60
- Sedgemoor - Burrell Traction engine no. 2767
- Semper Fidelis - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10445
- Semper Fidelis - Burrell traction engine no. 3455
- Sevington(was a Pair with Linkey) - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14258
- Shamrock - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 9170
- Shamrock - Robey Steam tractor conversion no. 40991
- Shifty - Fowler traction engine no. 16008
- Shrewsbury Flyer - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 9105
- Shrewsbury Knave - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 7954
- Shrewsbury Knight (ex) - Sentinel Steam waggon no. 8213
- Silver Cloud - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10374
- Silver Streak - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 8753
- Simba - Fowler Ploughing Engine Fowler no. ?
- Sir Bernard - Fowler showmans engine conversion no. 17502
- Sir Charles - Robey steam tractor no. 43165
- Sir Douglas - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 15467
- Sir Douglas - Fowler steam tractor no. 15732
- Sir Douglas - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 7614
- Sir Echo - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7869
- Sir Ector - Foden Steam wagon no. 12788
- Sir Giles - Robey traction engine no. 35548
- Sir Gordon - Burrell Traction engine no. 2770
- Sir Hector - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 47731
- Sir John - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 13877
- Sir John - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 15420
- Sir Johns Lady - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 15421
- Sir John Fowler - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 9393
- Sir John William - Richard Hornsby & Sons Traction engine no. 6759
- Sir Kay - Aveling & Porter steam tractor conversion no. 14060
- Sir Lancelot - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7779
- Sir Lancelot - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7972
- Sir Leonard - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 27649
- Sir Lionel - Foden Steam wagon no. 13316
- Sir Phillip - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 42665
- Sir Robert - Scammell Ballast tractor Scammell Pioneer SOW 708
- Sir Ted - Scammell Ballast tractor Scammell Highwayman FTC 943F
- Sir William - Foster Traction engine no. 14622
- Sir William - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam roller no. 76913
- Sir William - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7690
- Sir William Tritton - Foster steam wagon no. 14550
- Sirapite - Aveling & Porter RailwayLoco no. 6158
- Sister Wendy - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies traction engine no. 42013
- Smash - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 6343
- Smokey - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10824
- Smokey - Aveling & Porter steam tractor conversion no. 11423
- Smokey - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 69269
- Smokey - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7962
- Smokey Joe - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 8036
- Smokey Joe - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 22683
- So-Be-It - Burrell Steam Tractor no. 4083
- Socvis - Burrell steam roller no. 3986
- Sooty - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10915
- Sooty - Tasker convertible tractor no. 1895
- Sonsie Quine(ex Old England) - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 48656
- Souter Johnny - Aveling & Porter Convertible tractor no. 10722
- Southern Queen - Aveling & Porter Showmans tractor no. 7899
- Southern Star - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11695
- Spanker - Burrell traction engine no. 1606
- Sparkie - Burrell showmans engine conversion no. 1945
- Sparks - Marshall, Sons & Co. traction engine no. 14421
- Sparky - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 10651
- Spider - Burrell Traction engine no. 3018
- Spirit of Lincolnshire - Marshall, Sons & Co. steam roller no. 78109
- Spitfire - Aveling & Porter steam roller no.12079
- Spitfire/Delarey - Burrell Traction engine no. 2626
- Spitfire/Tortington - Wallis & Steevens steam tractor no. 7637
- Spitfire - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7933
- Sprig - Foster Traction engine no. 14410
- St. Bernard - Burrellsteam tractor no. 3192
- St. Brannock - Burrell Showmans engine conversion no. 3894
- St. George - Foster Steam Tractor no. 14741 (A new build engine)
- St. George - Shand-Mason Steam Fire engine no. 2017
- St. Patrick - Fowler traction engine no. 21626
- Stacey - Greens Steam roller no. 1968
- Stanley Monarch - Burrell traction engine no. 2336
- Star - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3423
- Star - Wallis & Steevens steam roller no. 7333
- Star of the East - Fowler Steam roller no. 19191
- Star of Tottenham Green - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 19494
- Starchy - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9146
- Stargazer - Foster traction engine no. 2728
- Starlight - Burrell Showmans Engines no. 3836
- Stoney Broke - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10282
- Stortford Roll - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 11240
- Story Teller - Foden Showman's Engine no. 1423
- Stormer - Armstrong Whitworth Steam roller no. 10R22
- Stroller - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9155
- Stumbles - Robey Tandum road roller no. 42693
- Success - Foster Showman's Engine no. 14632
- Success - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 15413
- Success - Ruston Proctor Traction engine no. 50278
- Success - Ruston & Hornsby Steam roller no. 149813
- Sue - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 7588
- Sultan - Sentinel steam waggon no. 8393
- Sunny Boy No.2 - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 10318
- Sunny Jim - Tasker Steam Tractor no. 1309
- Sunrise - Burrell steam tractor no. 3689
- Sunrise - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14247
- Sunset - Fowler ploughing engine no. 14248
- Sunset No.2 - Burrell Steam tractor no. 3815
- Superior - Foden steam wagon no. 11850
- Superior - Scammell ex Econofreight & Wynn's
- Supremacy - Fowler Showmans engine no. 15375
- Supremacy - Fowler Traction engine no. 16289
- Supreme - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 9416
- Supreme - Burrell Road Locomotive/Showman's Engine no. 3951/no. 4028 (rebuilt)
- Supreme - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 20223
- Supreme - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Surprise - Burrell traction engine no. 3935
- Surprise - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 14248
- Surprise - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 87003
- Survivor - Fowler Steam roller no. 17480
- Susan -Aveling & Porter showman's tractor conversion no. 10590
- Susanna - Fowler traction engine no. 8334
- Susie - Burrell traction engine no. 3919
- Susie - Fowler steam roller no. 17234
- Susie - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7940
- Sutherland - Merryweather steam fire engine Merryweather FE - Sutherland
- Swallow - Turner steam boat
- Sybil - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Agricultural engine no. 18504
- Sydenham - Aveling & Porter Railway Loco no. 3567
- Sydney - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 12058
- Sylvie - Ruston Proctor traction engine no. 46596
- Talisman - Aveling-Barford Steam roller no. AC601(AC610's plate)
- Talisman - Foden Steam Tractor no. 12300 (became no. 13484)
- Talisman - Foden Steam Tractor no. 13484
- Talisman - Fowler Road locomotive no. 16263
- Talisman - Wynns Heavy Haulage 240 ton tractor unit
- Tam - Burrell Traction engine no. 3586
- Tancred Pride - Fowler Traction engine no. 12170
- Tantrum - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Portable engine no. 30005
- Taphouse Queen - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 50595
- Tatton Hall - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE - Tatton Hall
- Tawneymore - Fowler Traction engine no. 15718
- Taymouth - Merryweather Steam fire engine n. 896
- Taz - Burrell Traction engine no. 2297
- Teapot - Marshall Traction engine no. 23803
- Ted Haggard - Burrell Traction engine no. 2426
- Tehidy House - Merryweather Steam fire engine no. 1150
- Tenbury - Shand-Mason steam fire engine Shand-Mason FE no. 1856
- Teresa - Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive no. 3871
- Terras - Aveling-Barford Steam roller AH363
- Terry - Fowler Steam roller no. 18651
- Tess - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 8069
- Tewlass - Foden Tractor no. 3210
- Thai Girl - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 9303
- That'll Do - Garrett Traction engine no. 33632
- The Abbott - Fowell & Co. Traction engine no. 93
- The Aberdeen Docker - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 8351
- The Admiral - Fowler 1/2 scale Showmans engine
- The Alderman - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 28922
- The Avoca Princess - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 34060
- The Badger - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 3941
- The Bailie - Burrell Showmans road loco No. 3334 reg GA 2168
- The Banshee - McLaren Showmans road locomotive no. 1713
- The Baroness - Garrett Steam roller no. 34084
- The Beast - Aveling & Porter Motor roller Aveling & Porter no. 12876
- The Big A - Burrell Traction engine no. 1563
- The Big Mac - McLaren Traction engine no. 1110
- The Bishop - Fowler Steam roller no. 10714
- The Black Isle - Fowler Traction engine no. 15773
- The Black Prince - Fowell & Co. Traction engine no. 97
- The Boy - Scammell Crusader Recovery tractor ELW 608J in the Walters collection
- The Braes of Tullymet - Burrell Traction engine no. 2189
- The Brashford Belle - Ruston Hornsby steam roller no. 114059
- The Brigadier - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 87005
- The Busy Bee - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3555
- The Challenge - Ruston Proctor Portable engine no. 13606
- The Champion - Ruston Proctor Traction engine no. 38994
- The Championship - Burrell Traction engine no. 2406
- The Chief - Fowler Ploughing Engine no. 2528
- The Chough - Garrett steam tractor no. 33353
- The Colonels Lady - FosterTraction Engine no. 14411
- The Cotswold Star - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 7829
- The Councillor - Fowler Showmans conversion no. 17482
- The Countess - Burrell Ploughing engine no. 776
- The Countess - Fowler Traction engine no. 11421
- The Countess - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 43345
- The Countryman - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 15012
- The Craigievar Express - Lawson Steam cart Lawson steam cart
- The Cranleigh Belle - Burrell Steam Tractor no. 4072
- The Dalesman - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 3395
- The Dorset Rambler - Foden Steam wagon no. 6350
- The Dorset Wanderer - Foden Steam tractor no. 13832
- The Dragon - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3912
- The Dreadnought - Burrell Traction engine no. 4053
- The Duchess - Burrell Traction engine no. 3420
- The Duchess - Fowler Traction engine no.15466
- The Duchess - Sentinel steam waggon no. 5104
- The Duck - Aveling & Porter Steam Roller no. 12172
- The Duke - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 3675
- The Duke - Burrell Ploughing engine no. 776
- The Duke of Ongar - Burrell Traction engine no. 2093
- The Earl - Burrell Ploughing engine no. 777
- The Earl - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 7932
- The Earl of Eldon - Garrett Traction engine no. 28758
- The Elephant - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 5644
- The Emerald - McLaren Road locomotive no. 1244
- The Empress of Britain - Burrell Traction engine no. 3399
- The Empress of India - Burrell ? no. ?
- The Engineer - Davey Paxman Traction engine no. 19413
- The Enterprise - Scammell Highwayman Tractor unit NAM 980G
- The Equaliser - Fowler Ploughing engine no. 13830
- The Fair Maid - Burrell Traction engine no. 3296
- The Farmers Engine - Howard Ploughing Engine no. 110
- The Farmers Friend - Marshall, Sons & Co. Traction engine no. 17287
- The Favourite - McLaren Traction engine no. 1160
- The Fenland Princess - Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam wagon no. 48510
- The Forest Maiden - Fowler Traction engine no. 17077
- The Fox - Tasker steam tractor no. 1833
- The Gaffer - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 43200
- The Gaffer - Wallis & Steevens Steam roller no. 8046
- The Gladiator - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 3159
- The Good Old Days - Marshall, Sons & Co. Portable engine no. 54719
- The Gov'nor - Burrell Traction engine no. 3385
- The Guvnor - Robey steam tractor no. 37657
- The Great North - Fowler Road Locomotive Crane engine no. 8920
- The Grenville Steam Car - Grenville Steam Car - Unique tricycle car with vertical boiler from circa. 1890
- The Greyhound - Garrett Showman's tractor no. 32122
- The Griffin - Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive no. 2804
- The Hampster - Foreman Steam tractor no. 9801
- The Havenstreet Queen - Allchin Traction engine no. 1415
- The Hermit - Marshall Traction engine no. 35978
- The Highlander - Fowler Steam Roller No. 16235 reg AV 45
- The Highwayman - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 9314
- The Highwayman - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 10187
- The Highwayman - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 14162
- The Highwayman - Scammell Ballast tractor Scammell Highwayman NYM 867E
- The Horses Friend - Tasker Steam tractor no. 1296
- The Icklingham Flyer - Foden steam wagon no. 3510
- The Impostor - Scammell Ballast tractor Scammell Highwayman ERH 781C
- The Iron Duke - Foster steam tractor no. 14378
- The Iron Duke - Fowler Showmans engine conversion no. 14758
- The Iron Lady - Fowler Steam roller no. 16485
- The Iron Maiden - Fowler Showman's road locomotive no. 15657
- The Jubillee - Clayton & Shuttleworth Steam roller no. 48793
- The Kemna - Kemna Traction engine no. 4206
- The King - Humphries Portable engine no. 1663
- The Kings Own - Garrett(badged Henninger) Steam roller no. 28273
- The Kiwi - Aveling & Porter Steam Roller no. 11220
- The Laird - Burrell Traction engine ex no. 3737
- The Lark - Burrell Crane engine no. 4074
- The Leader - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 12366
- The Leader - Foster showmans engine no. 14446
- The Leader - Foden Steam wagon no. 12630
- The Leeside Rover - Ruston Hornsby steam tractor no. 125663
- The Leeside Rover II - Fowler Traction engine no. 15716
- The Leprechaun - Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies Traction engine no. 27277
- The Lion - Fowler Road Locomotive no. 14115
- The Lion - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 19782
- The Lion - Sentinel Steam wagon no. 8850
- The Little Gem - Foster Traction Engine no. 14638
- The Little Giant - Wallis & Steevens Traction engine no. 2918
- The Little Wonder - McLaren Traction engine no. 127
- The Londoner - Fowler Steam roller no. 15969
- The Lurcher - Burrell Traction engine no. 3882
- The Mac - McLaren Traction engine no. 547
- The Maid of Cefn Yddfa - Fowler Showman's Engine no. 9386
- The Malvern Queen - Aveling & Porter Showmans engine no. 10084
- The Maori - Burrell Traction engine No. 2696
- The Mascot - Marshall, Sons & Co. Steam Tractor no. 68754
- The Masterpiece - Aveling & Porter steam roller no. 4873
- The Masterpiece - Burrell Showman's road locomotive no. 2072
- The May - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3453
- The Mighty Atom - Garrett Showmans tractor no. 33305
- The Mistress - Robey Steam roller no. 41602
- The Mistress - Wallis & Steevens Convertible Tractor no. 2149
- The Model - Burrell Traction engine no. 3763
- The Monarch - Fowler Showman's Engine 12905
- The Monk - Burrell Traction engine no. 2298
- The Moonraker - Scammell Highwayman tractor unit MHW 491F
- The Moonraker - Scammell Showtrac (replica) CHK 652 in Scarborough Fair Collection
- The Muddler - Ruston Proctor Traction engine no. 35501
- The Nelson - Shand-Mason steam fire engine no. 1498
- The North Wales Express - Walker Centre engine Walker CE - The North Wales Express
- The Old Chap - Burrell Traction engine no. 1522
- The Old Girl - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 2941
- The Old Clayton - Clayton & Shuttleworth Traction engine no. 32900
- The Old Man - Alley & Maclellan Steam waggon no. 1170
- The Philadelphia - Burrell Showman's Engine no. 3413
- The Phoenix - Savage traction engine no. 905
- The Pioneer - Aveling & Porter Steam roller no. 7249
- The Pirate - Aveling & Porter Steam tractor no. 9183
- The President - Burrell Road Locomotive no. 2789
- The Prince - Burrell Traction engine no. 3728
- The Prince of Wales - Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive no. 3887
- The Puddock - Fowler Showmans engine conversion no. 16006
- The Rambler - Garrett Steam Tractor no. 33505
- The Reeder Express - Wallis & Steevens traction engine no. 7102
- The Rising Sun - Aveling & Porter steam tractor no. 7414
- The Rover - Burrell Showmans Road Locomotive no. 3471
- The Scout - Burrell Steam tractor no. 3618
- The Shamrock - Fowler Traction engine no. 21483
- The Sheaf of Arrows - Wallis & Steevens Traction Engine