Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
John Bownes - ERF Roadless at Roadless 90 - IMG 3549

John Bownes Ltd ERF tractor unit with load of Roadless tractors at the Roadless 90th Event

John Bownes Ltd are the current holders of the Roadless Archives and parts inventory. They are a used tractor dealer based in Cheshire.

The firm can supply most Roadless parts, and has the drawing to re-manufacture obscure parts or the larger items with some being held as raw casting, machined to order.

They also have a sock of used Roadless machines for sale as is or restored. with several rare machines being restored as time allows.

They are re starting the Roadless company magazine up for Roadless enthusiasts and collectors.

The Roadless operation trades under the name of Roadless Tractors Ltd.

For the Roadless Company history see

Main article: Roadless

Tractor collection[]

Main article: John Bownes collection

Owner John Bownes has a collection of vintage and classic tractors that he takes items from to various shows and working days, such as Onslow Park Steam Rally and Little Casterton Working Weekend.

See also[]

References / sources[]

  • Company web site and adverts in Magazines.

External links[]
