Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
JCB logo

JCB's classic trademark logo

JCB Dancing Diggers drive under manouver - IMG 9948

The team in action, in the latest JCB 3CX ECO with new style 'modern' JCB Logo visible

The JCB Dancing Diggers or JCB Display Team was an idea started as a publicity stunt by Joe Bamford in ?


To demonstrate his faith in the hydraulic failsafes on JCB machines (which lock the arms in the event of a loss of hydraulic pressure, preventing them from crashing to the ground), Joe Cyril Bamford arranged to have several backhoes raise themselves up on their arms, and drove his car beneath them.

This has since developed into a world famous demonstration of the versatility of the backhoe configuration. The JCB display team (JCB Dancing Diggers) tour agricultural shows and produce videos, showing some of the unusual ways in which such vehicles can support themselves or manoeuvre. For example, it is quite common for drivers to support the vehicle on both buckets, either for turning on the spot without damaging ground, or for spinning the tracks in a puddle to clean them. The display team expanded this concept into a sort of vehicle gymnastics. The drivers are members of JCB's demonstration team, who visit prospective customers and demonstrate machines on the customer's property in order to prove the machine's suitability for the task at hand.

Current team[]

The current team is made up of members of the JCB demonstration team staff, and they create new routines to suit the event. The machines used are 'stock' machines and the only modifications are the temporary fixing of smoke flares and pyrotechnics devices attached by a magnetic base. To save transport they use the dealers stock machines when performing at dealership events.

Competitors / copy cats[]

A number of other operators and companies haver copied the idea either for one off events or as a regular publicity stunt at events such as Agricultural shows and Local charity events.

In the UK contractor J.C. Balls & Sons puts on a shoe a several events using some of there regular drivers and there restored JCB 1 Digger.


Add your photos of the team here

See also[]

  • JCB
  • JCB Dieselmax world lans peed holder for a Diesel powered vehicle
  • JCB GTI - The worlds fastest JCB 3CX a JCB dragster

References / sources[]

  • Wikipedi article
  • Photos of the team in action at a TC Harrison JCB Dealership open day.

External links[]

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