Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki

PT. IndoMobil Suzuki International is a joint venture between Suzuki Motor Corporation and the IndoMobil Group. The company is located in Jakarta, Indonesia and specialized in manufacturing Suzuki vehicles for the local market.

Suzuki has done its first activities on the Indonesian market in 1970 about its import firm PT. Indohero Steel & Engineering Company. Six years later they were built the manufacturing facility in Jakarta which is the oldest part of the IndoMobil Group.

Model overview[]


Smallwikipedialogo This page uses some content from Wikipedia. The original article was at IndoMobil Suzuki International. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons by Attribution License and/or GNU Free Documentation License. Please check page history for when the original article was copied to Wikia

External links[]
