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Hyundai Porter
Hyundai porter1
Manufacturer Hyundai Motor Company
Also called Hyundai Bakkie
Hyundai H-100
Hyundai H100 by Dodge
Hyundai HR
Hyundai Shehzore
Inokom Lorimas AU26
Mitsubishi Delica
Mitsubishi L300
Assembly South Korea
Anápolis, Brazil

The Hyundai Porter (Hangul:현대 포터), also known as the Hyundai H-100, is a pickup truck produced and built by the Hyundai Motor Company.[1]

The first Porter was launched in January 1977. In November 1986, Hyundai introduced the second generation Porter, which was a rebadged licensed Mitsubishi Delica/L300. The third generation of the Porter was launched in March 1996, and this version is still in production.

The vehicle is also built in Pakistan and is known as the Hyundai Shehzore. In Brazil, it is built in city of Anápolis and sold as Hyundai HR; and in Mexico, it is sold as the Hyundai H100 by Dodge.

In Malaysia, it is locally assembled as the Inokom Lorimas AU26.

In South Africa, it is known as the Hyundai Bakkie and is extremely popular.

See also[]


  1. "About: Hyundai Porter". Hyundai Porter. Retrieved on 2008-08-22.

External Links[]

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