Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Hyundai Galloper
Hyundai Galloper front 20070925
Manufacturer Hyundai Mobis
Also called Hyundai Galloper II
Hyundai Galloper Exceed
Hyundai Galloper Innovation
Mitsubishi Galloper (Germany & Spain)
Assembly South Korea
Hyundai Galloper SWB

Hyundai Galloper, short wheelbase

The Hyundai Galloper, also known as Galloper Exceed, Galloper Innovation and in Germany and Spain Mitsubishi Galloper is an SUV, built by Hyundai Precision & Ind. Co. between 1991 and 2003. It was a rebadged and restyled updated first generation of the Japanese original Mitsubishi Pajero 4X4 offroad model.

The Galloper II, available in numerous international markets, was marketed and sold after 2003 as well. It is almost identical to the Mitsubishi Pajero, a five passenger vehicle with additional seating for 2 in the back, increasing its capacity to a full seven passenger vehicle. It was available with a 3-door body on a short wheel base (Innovation) a sport SUV or 5-door body on long wheel base (Exceed / Galloper II) Estate offroad jeep.

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