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GM Powertrain Torino
Founded 2005; 20 years ago (2005)
Headquarters Turin, Italy
  • Engineering
Owner(s) General Motors Company[1]
Employees 460

GM Powertrain Engineering Center Torino[2] is a powertrain engineering center founded in 2005 with 80 employees. In September 2008 the center moved into its new Politecnico facility, making General Motors the first automotive company to become a physical part of a university campus. The Engineering Center currently engineers and develops diesel engines, controls and propulsion systems, and employs over 460 people. It is headquartered in Turin, Italy.

During the alliance between Fiat and GM, it was part of Fiat-GM Powertrain.[3]

See also[]

Portal-puzzle Italy portal
Portal-puzzle Cars portal
Factory 1b Companies portal


  1. Opel wins funding by selling European facilities to GM: report Reuters. 20 December 2012. Retrieved 7 December 2013.
  2. "Opel Media - Europe - News". Opel (17 July 2011). Retrieved on 16 August 2011.
  3. IntroductionEurope GM Powertrain Engineering Center.

External links[]

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