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FFB Feldbinder Spezialfarzeugwerke GmbH is a company based in Germany that specializes in tankers and bulk power carriers for road and rail use. The company was founded in 1975 in Elbe, Germany.
Company history[]
- 1975 - FFB founded from Otto Feldbinder and Jan-Dirk Beckmann, for the production of silo semi trailers commences in Drage / Elbe
- 1976 - Production in small factory in Hamburg-Hamm
- 1980 - Move to the present Head Office in Winsen / Luhe
- 1990 - Service depots founded in Germany, trading under the name of:
STA Silo-und Tankanhänger Service GmbH
- 1990 - Licensing agreements in Australia, Africa and Asia
- 1991 - Acquisition of the factory in the Lutheran town of Wittenberg, leading to expansion of the specialist liquid tank product range.
- 1992 - Expansion of the main factory in Winsen. Construction of a modern service depot and main administration building to house the Head Office for the group of companies
- 1994 - founded Feldbinder France SARL in Venissieux Cédex near to Lyon
- 1996 - Commenced manufacture of silo rail tankers and New subsidiary companies founded in The Netherlands and the Czech Republic under the names of; Feldbinder Nederland B.V., and FFB CZ s.r.o.
- 1997 - Feldbinder UK Ltd. founded with two locations - a production and service depot in Sutton Bridge and a service depot in Middlewich, Cheshire.
- 1997 - Feldbinder Iberica S.L. sales office with service workshop to secure sales and
service work within the Iberian peninsula.
- 1997 - Acquisition of a service depot with sales outlet for silo and liquid tankers and specialist containers to trade under the name of Feldbinder France SARL
- 2000 - Expansion of vessel production in Winsen, Germany
- 2000 - Production of silo rail wagons begins in Wittenberg, Germany together with construction of a new fitting workshop and a large service department
- 2001 - Feldbinder Austria founded in Gunskirchen near Wels, consisting of a service depot and sales office. Further workshops for vessel construction and the manufacture of specialist rail wagons taken info operation at the company premises in the Lutheran town of Wittenberg.
- 2002 - Feldbinder Polska sp.zo.o founded in Chodziez
- 2003 - Tank-railwagon production started in Wittenberg
- 2004 - Appoint business partner in Italy
- 2005 - Feldbinder celebrates 30 years of business
- 2006 - Appoint business partner in Turkey and in Russia
- Bulk liquid and powder tankers and rail wagons.
- - Official web site