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East Lancs Pyoneer
East Lancs Pyoneer 1
A Volvo Olympian / East Lancs Pyoneer
Operator(s) Go North East and others
Floor type Step entrance
Doors 1 or 2 door
Chassis Volvo Olympian
Dennis Arrow
Volvo B10M
Engine(s) Cummins C-series (Dennis Arrow)
Volvo (Volvo)
Options Various customer options

The East Lancs Pyoneer is a type of double-decker bus body built on the Volvo Olympian, Dennis Arrow and Volvo B10M by East Lancashire Coachbuilders. The name continues the pattern of using 'misspelt' product names, started by the Cityzen.


The high floor Pyoneer was launched around 1997, to complement the earlier Cityzen. However, the model was very short lived due to the low floor bus revolution, with the first double decker example (a DAF/VDL DB250) appearing in 1998. Low floor buses took hold in 1999, and orders of the Pyoneer slowed. This led East Lancs to design a new low floor version of the Pyoneer. The Pyoneer's design influenced its successors, all three of the Lolynes, as well as being similar to the single-deck version of the Lolynes, the Spryte.

The Pyoneer's biggest operator was Nottingham City Transport, on Volvo Olympian and B10M chassis, who withdrew their final examples in 2009, making their fleet fully low floor.

External links[]

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