Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
East Lancs E Type
East Lancs E Type 1
East Lancs E Type on Scania N113DRB chassis
Floor type Step entrance
Doors 1 door
Chassis Dennis Dominator
Dennis Arrow
Leyland Olympian
Scania N113DRB
Volvo B10M
Volvo Olympian
Options Various customer options

The East Lancs E Type is a type of double-deck bus body built on different chassis by East Lancashire Coachbuilders.


Types bodied include the following:


The E Type bears a strong visual resemblance to the Alexander R Type. East Lancs first built bodies resembling the R Type in 1984, which were almost identical in appearance to the Alexander product. Later examples had more East Lancs styling elements, making identification easier.

The E Type was superseded by the Cityzen on Scania chassis around 1996 and the Pyoneer on other chassis around 1997.

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