Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Dennis Ace advert - IMG 4959

Advert from Dennis Bros featuring the Beaconsfield Dennis Ace fire engine

The Dennis Ace was a Chassis design built by Dennis Brothers of Guildford in the 1930s.

Model history[]

For company history, see Dennis Specialist Vehicles.

This chassis design was utilised for several vehicle classes by Dennis who would build the bodywork to suit the application and the clients spec.


Fire engines[]

Dennis Ace fire engine - EBH 823 at Ardingly 2011 - IMG 4956

Dennis Ace EBH 823 at Ardingly Vintage Vehicle Show 2011

A number of different pattern designs of engine were built on the Ace chassis.


The Ace chassis was bodied by both Dennis and other Coachwork companies. Several examples survive (5) listed here from the Dennis Owners Club.

Delivery trucks[]

? details required


See also[]

References / sources[]

External links[]
