Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki

A Cable Control Unit (often called a CCU) is a multi drum winch unit mounted on crawler tractors and used to operate attachments such as a bulldozer blade, towed scraper box or early tracked loader units.

Caterpillar R4 Dozer

Caterpillar R4 fitted with CCU , winch and bulldozer blade attachment.

Cat D9G with CCU at EM wd 2011 - IMG 0519

Caterpillar D9G fitted with CCU for operating a scraper box

Caterpillar and CCU operated scraper box at Russell Saywell OD 2012 - IMG 9584

A restored Caterpillar D7 tractor and rope operated scraperbox combination in action at Russell Saywell's Open Day 2012

How it operates[]

details required

See also[]

References / sources[]

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