Some of the events this engine has attended include;
Sheffield Steam and Vintage Rally. It was invited to the Flyde Vintage and Farm Show (Isaac Ball Reunion) which was held on the same weekend, as an ex Isaac Ball fleet member, but attend its regular local event.
Burrell Engines index by serial number(for engines with pages on Tractor Wiki (or pages due))
No. 0 > 999
748 Century - 776 The Countess - 777 The Earl
No. 1000 > 1999
1144 Lord Burrell - 1426 Old Faithful - 1563 Jimbo - 1876 Emperor - 1941 Firefly - 1945 Sparkie
No. 2000 > 2499
2072 The Masterpiece - 2093 The Duke of Ongar - 2112 Old Lytham - 2147 Lady Burrell - 2297 Taz - 2336 Stanley Monarch - 2342 Vanguard - 2363 - 2366 Buller - 2386 Old Faithful - 2417 Old Duch - 2421 Old Glory - 2473 Black Bess - 2479
No. 2500 > 2999
2507 Rusty Rose - 2512 General C.R. de Wet - 2513 General Buller - 2547 Endurance - 2575 Buller - 2613 Brenda - 2626 Spitfire - 2642 Ethel - 2646 Hawkes - 2649 Owd Isaac - 2651 Challenger - 2668 Britannia - 2696 The Maori - 2701 Black Prince - 2706 Admiral Togo - 2780 "King Edward VII" - 2788 - 2789 The President 2804 "White Rose of York" - 2877 His Majesty - 2879 Lord Nelson - 2894 "Pride of Worcester" 2933 "Wait'n'See" - 2948 "Dreadnought" - 2950 "Little Mac" - 2963 "Prince Charles"
No. 3000 > 3499
3017 Spider - 3034 Pride of South Hams - 3047 Monarch - 3048 - 3057| Lord Roberts - 3068 Victory - 3075 Alexandra - 3090 Fermoy - 3093 Dreadnought - 3103 Queen Alexandra - 3106 Princess Royal - 3112 Bertha - 3118 Dreadnought - 3121 Keeling - 3159 The Gladiator - 3166 Joe Chamberlain - 3191 Furious 3200 Unity - 3244 Ironside - 3245 End-2-End - 3262 Perseverance - 3285 King George V - 3288 Nancy - 3205 Princes Royal 3313 Yorkshireman - 3334 The Bailie - 3343 Princess Mary - 3356 High Flyer - 3397 Cock of the North - 3399 The Empress of Britain 3411 Pride of Somerset - 3413 The Philadelphia - 3423 Star -- 3433 Peter Pan - 3443 Lord Nelson - 3444 - His Lordship - 3455 Semper Fidelis - 3483 Perseverance II - 3489 King George VI
No. 3500 > 3999
3509 Rajah - 3526 Lightning II - 3545 Little Topper - 3555 The Busy Bee - 3563 ? 3610 William V - 3618 The Scout - 3622 General French - 3633 Lord Kitchener - 3651 Earl Kitchener - 3655 English Hero - 3657 Morning Glory - 3695 Lord Derby - 3669 Nero 3703 Prince of Wales - 3711 King of the Belgians - 3746 Charlie B - 3763 The Model - 3777 Queen Mary 3808 Laddie - 3827 Victory - 3833 Queen Mary - 3836 Starlight - 3849 Marshal Foch - 3850 - 3851 The Tinker - 3862 Little Dorothy - 3865 No.1 - 3884 Gladiator - 3886 Lord Lascelles - 3887 The Prince of Wales - 3888 General Gough - 3890 Majestic - 3894 St Brannock - 3895 Excelsior - 3896 Earl Beatty 3902 Elizabeth - 3906 Earl Beatty - 3909 Winston Churchill - 3910 Wait & See - 3924 Princes Mary - 3929 Ty-Pan - 3933 Princes Mary - 3938 Quo Vadis - 3949 Princess Mary/Pride of Dorset - 3950 Progress - 3979 Earl Haig - 3991 Daffodil - 3993 Buster
No. 4000 > 4100
4000 Ex Mayor - 4010 Empress of Cornwall - 4025 Pride of Dorset - 4030 Dolphin - 4032 Firefly - 4045 - 4048 William the Second - 4073 Nell Gwynn - 4074 The Lark - 4081 Fearless - 4083 So-Be-It - 4084 Busy Bee - 4093 Dorothy - 4094 King George V
Showmans road locomotives (number built/survive) Note: a lot of current showman's engines are conversions, done both during working life and in the preservation era.