Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki
Belvoir Castle Steam Festival
Belvoir 2010 Field Marshall line up - IMG 2824
The 2010 Field Marshall line up
Sponsors (main)
Date held on May 22nd & 23rd (2010)
Duration (days) 2
Venue Belvoir Castle Meadows
Location Nr Grantham, Lincolnshire
County Rutland
Country England
NTET Accredited YES
Attendance numbers
(approximate no.)
Next Event Date 2011
First Event was held in (year) ?
Last Event was held in (year)
No. of years held ?
Events Web Site
Fairground horses ride-Belvoir-DSC01212

A Classic Steam fair ride at the show in 2008

Fowler showmans Repulse

"Repulse" a Fowler built Showmans engine

The Belvoir Castle Steam Festival or Steam Rally is held each year on the Fields below Belvoir Castle, Home of the Duke of Rutland, in the Midlands between Grantham and Nottingham, in England. The Event is held in May, and has suffered with others from the weather over the last few years but it was good in 2008, but 2009 suffered again with a wet Saturday reducing visitor numbers. But 2010 was blessed with good weather and a decent turn out.

The Future[]

After the rain hit visitor numbers there were reports that the 2010 event would not take place but this event is popular with exhibitors and tractor clubs and a new deal with the site owners has hopefully secured the 2010 event. But a Major sponsor is being sought to secure the events future as past events have made a loss. The the weather being good and a good turn out at the 2010 event should secure this popular event for 2011.

Typical attractions[]

Fairground organ - Belvoir-DSC01213

Fairground organ at the show

The Show features;

Annual special themed feature[]

Each year a theme is picked for the featured type of vehicle display that year:

Theme for 2011[]

The theme for 2011 is yet to be announced

John Deere for 2010[]

A display of John Deere tractors from 1929 to the latest 500 + hp tracked model for 2010

Ford and Fordson Expo for 2009[]

The 2009 event featured a fantastic display by the Ford and Fordson Association with over 200 Ford tractors. Including a number of Roadless and County conversion with a few other rare examples such as the American built trackson crawler conversion.

Single cylinder tractors for 2008[]

A feature of single tractors Field Marshall and Lanz models with other makers examples from around the world.

Show galleries[]

Latest event at the top

2011 event[]

2011 Steam engines[]

Some of the engines at the 2011 event.

please add any missing engines that were present in 2011
Steam Engines list
Entry no. Engine (make & No.) Name Type year built Reg no. Owner Photo Misc info
Aveling-Barford - Convertible roller ? ? ? Aveling-Barford ? roller at Belvoir 08 - DSC01217 In RRA display
Foden no. 4086 - Steam wagon 1913 M 4848 S. Plumb & Family collection Foden no. 4086 - M4848 Wagon at Belvoir 08 - DSC01233 Repatriated from Australia
Foden no. 13536 - Steam wagon 1930 RY 9259 Ritchie collection Foden steam tractor RY9259
Foden no. 13764 - Steam wagon 1930 TF 3106 Owner ? Foden Lorry no13764 TF3106 Livery of "Mechanical Tar Spraying Co."
Foster no. 14501 Victorious Showman's road locomotive 1920 MD 983 T. Pettigrove Foster no. 14501 - Victorious - MD 983 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01215 Driving a fairground organ
Fowler no. 2479 - Ploughing Engine 1874 NR 1213 Beeby Brothers collection, Rempston Ploughing Engine part Beeby Bros Set no, 4
Fowler no. 9279 Kitchener Road Locomotive 1907 SY 1125 M. Frampton, Herts Fowler tractor 9279 Kitchener Livery of "Norman Box, Manchester"
Fowler no. 9475 Duke of Rutland Showman's conversion 1902 BS 8015 R. Williamson, Oakham Fowler no. 9475 - Duke of Rutland - BS 8015 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01210 Driving the Fair Ground rides.
Fowler no. 14406 MTOTO Traction engine 1917 U 4171 owner ? Fowler no 14406 Mtoto U4171 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01222
Fowler no. 15288 MrBlower Steam tractor 1919 U 4952 A.R. Tyler collection, Notts Eowler tractor sn15288 Mr Blower U4952 Returned to original tractor form from Showmans (conversion)
Fowler no. 15653 Renown Showman's Engine 1923 CU 978 Howard Brothers collection Fowler showmans sn 15653 Renown CU978 at Belvoir Castle 2008 - DSC01187
Fowler no. 19456 Highland Lass Tractor 1931 SE 3563 owner ? Fowler tractor sn 19456
Garrett no. 33296 Adventurer Tractor 1918 BJ 5510 owner ? Garrett tractor BJ5510
Garrett no. 34461 Victoria Tractor 1924 PM 4795 I. Houlgrave, Garrett tractor sn 34461 Restored from a conversion to a roller
Marshall no. 49725 Old Nick TE 1908 BW 4509 E & R Eagle Marshall - 49725 with its sibling LITTLE OLD NICK
Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies no. 18404 Sybil TE 1906 NO 6925 Vaughan Wray, of Melton Mobray, Leics. Ransomes Sybil 18504
Ruston Proctor no. 33189 - TE 1907 CT 3949 David Palmer, Notts Ruston Proctor no. 33189 - TE - CT 3949 at belvoir 08 - DSC01239
Wallis & Steevens no. 8058 Ambition RR [[1930] OU 4737 owner Wallis and Steevens no. 8058 - roller - OU 4737 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01242
Yorkshire Wagon Co. no. 117 Denby Maiden Steam wagon 1905 CA 170 J.C Ward Yorkshire wagon CA170 Rare surviving example
no. Name type year reg owner Image notes

2011 Tractors and Plant[]

Tractor exhibit list
Entry no. Make & model / no. Reg no. Serial no. (if known) year built Owner Photo Misc info
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2011 Commercials and Cars[]

2011 Commercial vehicle exhibit list
entry no.
(Most entries fail to display no.)
Make & model / no. Reg no. Name
(if named)
year built Owner Photo Misc info
- AEC Mamouth Major MkII BBP 425 - 1935 Dennis Moulding to add 8x4 Flatbed with 'fake' Crate Load
- Atkinson Borderer artic & Low Loader PJH 33D - 1975 P. Hedger to add Has Low loader with 'Classic Tarpaulin Sheeted load' with accommodation inside on neck, used to transport smaller truck with the van loaded on top.
- Austin BRY 186 - Year ? Hedger to add Deliver Van from the Hedger collection of commercial vehicles
- Douglas Timber Tractor PUT 510 Knocker 1943 John Holman ? to add Converted AEC Militant based
- ERF EC11 W511 YKK - 2000 Owner ? to add Transport for Earlier classic ERF on triaxle step frame machinery trailer
- Foden S41 JML 136K - 1971 Jeff Rowlett & Daughters ? Ex Metropolitan Water Board Mobile Workshop / recovery unit.
- Scammell Scarab - 1957 Tony Jordan collection To add
- [[Scammell ? Name Year ? Owner ? to add Demonstrating Heavy Haulage
- Scammell Highwayman ? ? Year ? Owner ? (Ex Pickfords) ? Retained in former operators livery
- Scammell Junior Constructor CVC 273C Yeoman 1965 Paul Hand ? Yeoman Volvo F89 - Scammell Resolute VXD 530 Yeoman CVC 273C at Belvoir 08 - DSC01200 Notes
- Scammell Junior Constructor VXD 530 Resolute 1958 Owner Pickfords Yeoman Volvo F89 - Scammell Resolute VXD 530 Yeoman CVC 273C at Belvoir 08 - DSC01200 Ex Pickfords no. M2070
- Scammell S26 F300 PHN Evening Star 1988 Owner ? Scammell S26 at Belvoir 08 Last S26 Sold by Scammell. Rated for 300 ton GTW working
- Scania 142M BIG 7073 On a Highway to Hell 1985 Owner ? to add Customised truck
- Volvo F89 Reg no. ? - Year Owner ? Yeoman Volvo F89 - Scammell Resolute VXD 530 Yeoman CVC 273C at Belvoir 08 - DSC01200 Ex Yeoman Transport used to move classic Scammell
- Unipower Tractor LBM 640 Name Year Owner ? Unipower timber tractor 4-WD short wheel base with winch
- Hillman Imp SCT 706J - 1970 Owner ? Hilman Imp - SCT 706J at Belvoir 08 - DSC01190 Has a rear mounted slanted alloy engine.
- Chevrolet Camaro GDA 842V - 1991 Owner ? Pontiac ? at Belvoir 08 -DSC01208 Classic American sports car

2010 event[]

2010 Steam exhibits[]

Some of the engines at the 2010 event NOTE table under construction

Steam Engines list
Engine (make & No.) Name Type year built Reg no. Owner Photo Misc info
Aveling-Barford - Convertible roller ? ? ? 150px]] In RRA display
no. Name type year reg owner Image notes

2010 Tractors and Plant[]

List to follow

Tractor exhibit list
entry no. Make & model / no. Reg no. Serial no. (if known) year built Owner Photo Misc info
03 John Deere Model MC - serial no ? Year Owner ? John Deere MC crawler at Belvoir 08 - P5180448 Immaculate example
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Notes / other info

2010 John Deere feature[]

List to follow

Tractor exhibit list
entry no. Make & model / no. Reg no. Serial no. (if known) year built Owner Photo Misc info
? County 1174 - 39976 1979 Owner ? County 1174 sn 39976 of 1979 at Belvoir 09 - IMG 8745
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- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images


2010 New John Deere Models display[]

List to follow

New John Deere tractors display
Make & model / no. Power (HP) Engine year introduced Photo Misc info
John Deere 5080 G 80 hp JD 4-cylinder 2009 John Deere 5080 G at belvoir 2010 - IMG 3276
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Make & Model (no.) power engine Year intro 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images


2010 Single Cylinder feature[]

List to follow

Tractor exhibit list
entry no. Make & model / no. Reg no. Serial no. (if known) year built Owner Photo Misc info
? County 1174 - 39976 1979 Owner ? County 1174 sn 39976 of 1979 at Belvoir 09 - IMG 8745
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- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images


2010 Commercials and cars[]

List to follow

2008 Commercial vehicle exhibit list
entry no.
(Most entries fail to display no.)
Make & model / no. Reg no. Name
(if named)
year built Owner Photo Misc info
- Volvo F88 OWS 948R - Year ? Yeoman Volvo F88 reg OWS 948R at Belvoir 09 - IMG 8374 Classic low loader ex Yeoman Transport
- Volvo F12 K400 HST Name Year Owner ? Yeoman Volvo F12 reg K400 HST at Belvoir 09 - IMG 8376 Well known customised unit and trailer ex Yeoman Transport
- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images

copy section below and paste in to add a new row
- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images


Only a few example were photographed at the event, but please add yours to expand the list

2010 Car exhibit list
entry no.
(Most entries fail to display no.)
Make Model / no. Reg no. year built Owner Photo Misc info
- Humber model ? KFK 167 ? Owner ? Humber - KFK 167 at Belvoir 2010 - IMG 2840 note
- Buick model ? RFF 231 1951 Owner ? Customised 1951 Buick - RFF 231 at Belvoir 2010 - IMG 2836 note
- Chevrolet Chevrolet Camaro Z28 A675 TNK 1984 Owner ? Customised Chevrolet Camaro Z28 - A675 TNK at Belvoir 2010 - IMG 2837 Vivid paint job
- Chevrolet Model (no.) ? RSU 469 Year Owner ? Chevrolet - RSU 469 ar Belvoir 2010 - IMG 2838 Notes
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- Make Model (no.) ? Reg no. ? Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images


2010 Military Vehicles[]

List to follow

2010 Working Demonstrations[]

  • Threshing
  • Road building
  • Tractor pulling
  • Recovery operators association
350px]] 350px]]
Airbag recovery of a overturned trailer Breakdown crane recovering a overturned tanker

2009 Event[]

2009 Steam exhibits[]

Some of the engines at the 2009 event NOTE table under construction

Steam Engines list
Engine (make & No.) Name Type year built Reg no. Owner Photo Misc info
Aveling-Barford - Convertible roller ? ? ? 150px]] In RRA display
no. Name type year reg owner Image notes

2009 Tractors and Plant[]

List to follow

Tractor exhibit list
entry no. Make & model / no. Reg no. Serial no. (if known) year built Owner Photo Misc info
03 John Deere Model MC - serial no ? Year Owner ? John Deere MC crawler at Belvoir 08 - P5180448 Immaculate example
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- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images

Notes / other info

2009 FFA Expo V[]

List to follow

Tractor exhibit list
entry no. Make & model / no. Reg no. Serial no. (if known) year built Owner Photo Misc info
? County 1174 - 39976 1979 Owner ? County 1174 sn 39976 of 1979 at Belvoir 09 - IMG 8745
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2009 Commercials and cars[]

List to follow

2008 Commercial vehicle exhibit list
entry no.
(Most entries fail to display no.)
Make & model / no. Reg no. Name
(if named)
year built Owner Photo Misc info
- Volvo F88 OWS 948R - Year ? Yeoman Volvo F88 reg OWS 948R at Belvoir 09 - IMG 8374 Classic low loader ex Yeoman Transport
- Volvo F12 K400 HST Name Year Owner ? Yeoman Volvo F12 reg K400 HST at Belvoir 09 - IMG 8376 Well known customised unit and trailer ex Yeoman Transport
- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images

Cars (to be split off later)
- model reg - ? Owner ? 150px]] note
- model reg no. - 1980 Owner ? 150px]] note
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- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images


2009 Military Vehicles[]

List to follow

2009 Working Demonstrations[]

Featured demonstrations included;

  • Threshing
  • Tractor pulling
  • Road building
  • Recovery Operators Association - Road vehicle rescue demo
Recovery by airbag of trailer demo at Belvoir 09 -IMG 9152 Saunders Recover demonstration at Belvoir 09 - IMG 9144
Airbag recovery of a overturned trailer Breakdown crane recovering a overturned tanker

2008 Event[]

2008 Steam engines[]

Some of the engines at the 2008 event.

please add any missing engines that were present in 2008
Steam Engines list
Engine (make & No.) Name Type year built Reg no. Owner Photo Misc info
Aveling-Barford - Convertible roller ? ? ? Aveling-Barford ? roller at Belvoir 08 - DSC01217 In RRA display
Foden no. 4086 - Steam wagon 1913 M 4848 S. Plumb & Family collection Foden no. 4086 - M4848 Wagon at Belvoir 08 - DSC01233 Repatriated from Australia
Foden no. 13536 - Steam wagon 1930 RY 9259 Ritchie collection Foden steam tractor RY9259
Foden no. 13764 - Steam wagon 1930 TF 3106 Owner ? Foden Lorry no13764 TF3106 Livery of "Mechanical Tar Spraying Co."
Foster no. 14501 Victorious Showman's road locomotive 1920 MD 983 T. Pettigrove Foster no. 14501 - Victorious - MD 983 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01215 Driving a fairground organ
Fowler no. 2479 - Ploughing Engine 1874 NR 1213 Beeby Brothers collection, Rempston Ploughing Engine part Beeby Bros Set no, 4
Fowler no. 9279 Kitchener Road Locomotive 1907 SY 1125 M. Frampton, Herts Fowler tractor 9279 Kitchener Livery of "Norman Box, Manchester"
Fowler no. 9475 Duke of Rutland Showman's conversion 1902 BS 8015 R. Williamson, Oakham Fowler no. 9475 - Duke of Rutland - BS 8015 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01210 Driving the Fair Ground rides.
Fowler no. 14406 MTOTO Traction engine 1917 U 4171 owner ? Fowler no 14406 Mtoto U4171 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01222
Fowler no. 15288 MrBlower Steam tractor 1919 U 4952 A.R. Tyler collection, Notts Eowler tractor sn15288 Mr Blower U4952 Returned to original tractor form from Showmans (conversion)
Fowler no. 15653 Renown Showman's Engine 1923 CU 978 Howard Brothers collection Fowler showmans sn 15653 Renown CU978 at Belvoir Castle 2008 - DSC01187
Fowler no. 19456 Highland Lass Tractor 1931 SE 3563 owner ? Fowler tractor sn 19456
Garrett no. 33296 Adventurer Tractor 1918 BJ 5510 owner ? Garrett tractor BJ5510
Garrett no. 34461 Victoria Tractor 1924 PM 4795 I. Houlgrave, Garrett tractor sn 34461 Restored from a conversion to a roller
Marshall no. 49725 Old Nick TE 1908 BW 4509 E & R Eagle Marshall - 49725 with its sibling LITTLE OLD NICK
Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies no. 18404 Sybil TE 1906 NO 6925 Vaughan Wray, of Melton Mobray, Leics. Ransomes Sybil 18504
Ruston Proctor no. 33189 - TE 1907 CT 3949 David Palmer, Notts Ruston Proctor no. 33189 - TE - CT 3949 at belvoir 08 - DSC01239
Wallis & Steevens no. 8058 Ambition RR [[1930] OU 4737 owner Wallis and Steevens no. 8058 - roller - OU 4737 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01242
Yorkshire Wagon Co. no. 117 Denby Maiden Steam wagon 1905 CA 170 J.C Ward Yorkshire wagon CA170 Rare surviving example
no. Name type year reg owner Image notes

2008 Tractors and Plant[]

Tractor exhibit list
entry no. Make & model / no. Reg no. Serial no. (if known) year built Owner Photo Misc info
03 John Deere Model MC - serial no ? Year Owner ? John Deere MC crawler at Belvoir 08 - P5180448 Immaculate example
- Aveling-Barford Roller ECT 113 AE576 1941 Owner ? Aveling-Barford AE576 - DX8 roller - ECT 113 at Belvoir 08 - P5180453 Motor Roller on the RRA stand
38 Aveling-Barford GA Roller XTL 413+ ? 1965 Owner ? Aveling-Barford GA roller - XTL 413 at Belvoir 08 - P5180452 Shown in As Found condition on RRA stand
- Barford Roller AEG 52A+ Name Year ? Owner ? Barford Roller - AEG 52A at Belvoir 08 - P5180450 Compact roller model ?
- Chaseside Reg no. ? Serial no ? Year ? Owner ? Chaseside Crane at Belvoir Castle 2008 Chaseside Crane based on a Fordson Model N tractor
36 Motor Units - Gigantic 1933 Owner ? Motor Units - Gigantic roller - at Belvoir 08 - P5180451 Pre war pavement roller
- Utility Roller Reg no. ? - 194? Owner ? Fordson Utility Roller Ministry Design utility roller built round a Fordson Model N
Tractors (by entry number were known)
10 Lanz Bulldog model ? Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Lanz Bulldog with cab at (10) Belvoir 08 - P5180402 Unusual model with Cab, looks more like a interwar Car or small truck
16 Lanz Bulldog model ? Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Lanz Bulldog ? at (16) Belvoir 08 - P5180400 Late model design ?
28 Marshall Type M FP 4123 1533 Year ? Owner ? Marshall type M no. 1533 at Belvoir 08 - P5180399 Early model prior to Field Marshall
38 Fowler VF POP 1+ Serial no or Name Year Owner ? Fowler VF - POP1 at (38) Belvoir 08 - P5180388 Original un restored example
39 Fowler VF - Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Fowler VF and Blaw-Knox Blade no. 171 at Belvoir 08 - P5180397 Fitted with Blaw-Knox Bulldozer gear
65 Ford-Ferguson JSJ 142+ Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Ford-Ferguson tractor at Belvoir Castle show 2008 Restored Ford 8N with Ferguson system
73 Fordson E27N Major EC 7?91+ Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Fordson E27N Major - EC 7?91 at Belvoir 08 - P5180408 Notes
74 Fordson E27N Major EAS 851 Serial no or Name 1947 Plumtree family Fordson E27N Major at (74) Belvoir 08 - P5180408 edited Restored example
76 Fordson E27N Major Reg no. ? - Year Owner ? Fordson E27N Major at Belvoir 08 - P5180409 TVO engined Major with original head lights on cast brackets
83 Fordson Power Major RFX 814+ - 1960 Owner ? Fordson Power Major - RFX 814 with Loader and Winch at Belvoir 08 - P5180410 Fitted Cameron Gardner rear loader & front Cook Winch. Ex Ferry co.
87 Fordson Super Major Reg no. ? Henry Year ? Owner ? Fordson Super Major - Henry - 6-cylinder - at Belvoir 08 - P5180413 Fitted with 6-cylinder truck engine
93 Fordson Dexta UVS 184+ - Year ? Owner ? Fordson Dexta - UVS 184 at Belvoir 08 - P5180414 Unusual as fitted with a restored Winsam cab
94 Ford 2000 Dexta HPP 982C+ - Year ? Owner ? Ford 2000 Dexta - HPP 982C at Belvoir 08 - P5180415 Excellent restored example
108 MAN Ackerdiesel Reg no. ? - Year ? Owner ? MAN Ackerdiesel 4-wd at Belvoir 08 - P5180434 Unusual (in UK) German 4-wd tractor
132 Mogul 8-16 Reg no. ? - Year ? Owner ? Mogul 8-16 at Belvoir 08 - P5180442 Excellent restored early model
134 International 8-16 Junior Reg no. ? - Year ? Owner ? International 8-16 Junior at Belvoir 08 - P5180443 Excellent early model
135 McCormick-Deering BRO 751 - Year ? Owner ? McCormick-deering 10-20 - BRO 751 at Belvoir 08 - P5180444 Restored example of 10-20 ?
141 McCormick / International T-6 ? - - Year ? Owner ? McCormic International crawler at Belvoir 08 - P5180445 Preserved in original condition
14? Farmall BN - - Year ? Owner ? Farmall BN at Belvoir 08 - P5180446 Interesting tricycle row crop design
155 ? International Super BW-6 Reg no. ? - Year Owner ? International Super BW-6 at Belvoir 08 - P5180447 Immaculate example
158 International B250 REW 270 No. 106 built 1956 Owner ? International B250 - REW 270 at Belvoir 08 - P5180435 Has a neat history note sheet attached :)
163 ? International BTD6 - Serial no ? Year ? Owner ? International BTD6 crawler at Belvoir 08 - P5180385 Restored example
164 International B275 Reg no. ? - Year ? Owner ? International B275 at Belvoir 08 - P5180437 Excellent restored example
177 International B614 LNR 183E+ - Year ? Owner ? International B-614 - LNR 183E at Belvoir 08 - P5180438 Excellent restored example
179 Roadless International 634 Reg no. ? Roadless no. ? 1969 Chris Hawks, Chesterfield Roadless International 634 of Chris Hawkes at Belvoir 08 - P5180439 One of only about 220 Roadless versions built
182 International 1056XL Reg no. ? - Year ? Owner ? International 1056XL 4-WD at Belvoir 08 - P5180441 Very high speced in its day
183 Ferguson-Brown - Ferguson-Brown no. ? 1936 Owner ? Ferguson Brown at Belvoir Castle 08 - P5180421 Very rare tractor
190 Ferguson Trailer - - Year ? Owner ? Ferguson Trailer at Belvoir 08 - P5180418 Restored Ferguson tipping trailer
205 Ferguson FE-35 6292 WB+ - Year ? Owner ? Ferguson FE-35 6292 WB at Belvoir 08 - P5180417 The Gold looks dark ?
218 Nuffield Universal (Perkins) HCE 803+ - Year ? Owner ? Nuffield Universal - Perkins - HCE 803 at Belvoir 08 - P5180424 Perkins conversion.
221 Nuffield 3/42 Reg no. ? - Year ? Owner ? Nuffield 3-42 at Belvoir 08 - P5180425 Notes
224 Nuffield 4/65 JCT 277F+ - Year ? Owner ? Nuffield 4-65 - JCT 277F at Belvoir 08 - P5180426 Excellent example
225 Nuffield 3/45 PPY 499G+ - Year ? Owner ? Nuffield 3-45 - PPY 499G at Belvoir 08 - P5180427 Excellent example
226 Nuffield 4/25 Reg no. ? J - Year ? Owner ? Nuffield 4-25 and 3-45 line at Belvoir 08 - P5180429 Excellent example and 3/45's behind in line up
- EVA Ford 3000 - Serial no or Name 1972 Peter Plehov ? EVA Ford 3000 4-wd at Belvoir 08 - P5180392 Unusual 4-wd conversion built in Belgium by EVA(ex Austrian farm)
245 County 754 (Super-4) Reg no. ? Serial no or Name 1973 Graham Hollingshead County 754 Super-4 S-O-S at Belvoir 08 - P5180391 Rare county with Select-o-speed gear box
247 EVA Ford 7400 - Serial no or Name 1976 Graham Hollingshead EVA Ford 7400 4-wd at Belvoir 08 - P5180390 Unusual 4-wd conversion built in Belgium by EVA from a Ford 7000 and a 6-cylinder industrial engine.
246 County 4600-Four Reg no. ? Serial no or 1975 Owner ? County 4600-Four at Belvoir 08 - P5180395 Ongoing restoration of this fairly rare model
251 Allis-Chalmers Model B Reg no. ? Serial no ? Year ? Owner ? Allis-Chalmers model B at Belvoir 08 - P5180384 Restored example
276 Massey-Ferguson 35 MDO 364+ Serial no or Year ? Owner ? Massey-Ferguson 35 - MD? ?64 at Belvoir 08 - P5180378 Number plate part covered is this correct ?
280 Fordson Dexta 6479 NG+ Serial no or Name Year ? M. Widdowson & Son Fordson Dexta - 6479 NG - with roll bar at Belvoir 08 - P5180373 Rare example of a tractor with roll bar left on.
283 County FC 1004 UAX 110G Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? County FC 1004 Unusual forward control County
284 Minneapolis-Moline CAY 891+ Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Minneapolis-Moline model ? - CAY 891 at Belvoir 08 - P5180375 Model no ? -(can you tell what this is ? please add no.)
288 John Deere ?L 8866 Serial no Year ? Owner ? John Deere model ? - ?L 8866 at Belvoir 08 - P5180380 Restored JD Rowcrop model ? Rutland Group - NVTEC
332 URSUS C355 Reg no. ? - 1975 Gerald Foster, Nottinghamshire URSUS C355 at Belvoir 08 - P5180431 Bought from Northern Ireland 2004 & restored
- Bristol - Serial no Year ? Owner ? Bristol Crawler at Belvoir 08 - P5180376 Early Bristol crawler (a Belvoir regular but no info)
- David Brown 25 Reg no. ? Serial no ? Year ? Owner ? David Brown 25 at Belvoir 08 - P5180379 A restored DB 25
- David Brown 770 Selectamatic CJL 9 ? - Year ? Owner ? David Brown 770 Selectamatic Excellent restored example
- Ferguson FE-35 Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Ferguson FE-35 and 3 ton trailer at Belvoir 08 - P5180396 Ferguson tractor and restored 3ton tipping trailer
- Ferguson TE20 & Ferguson Sack lifter WFO 367+ Serial no ? Year ? Owner ? Ferguson TE20 - WFO 367 - and Sack Lifter at Belvoir 08 - P5180377 An unusual accessory on show from the extensive Ferguson implements range.
- Fordson Model N Reg no. ? Serial no ? Year ? Owner ? Fordson Model N at Belvoir 08 - P5180386 Excellent restored example of the wide winged version
- Ford 5000 Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Ford 5000 at Belvoir 08 - P5180374 Excellent restored example
- Ford TW-25 Reg no. ? Year ? M. Stone Ford TW-25 - M.Stone at Belvoir 08 - P5180416 In need of a bit of TLC
- International B614 WTL 298+ Serial no ? Year ? Owner ? International B-614 - WTL 298 at Belvoir 08 - P5180381 Restored example with 2 furrow plough
- Muir-Hill 171 Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year ? Owner ? Muir-Hill 171 at Belvoir 08 - P5180387 In original unrestored condition
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- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Serial no or Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images


2008 Commercials and Cars[]

2008 Commercial vehicle exhibit list
entry no.
(Most entries fail to display no.)
Make & model / no. Reg no. Name
(if named)
year built Owner Photo Misc info
- AEC Mamouth Major MkII BBP 425 - Year ? Dennis Moulding AEC Mamouth Major MkII - BBP 425 of D.Moulding at Belvoir 08 - DSC01204 8x4 Flatbed with 'fake' Crate Load
- Atkinson Borderer artic & Low Loader PJH 33D - Year ? P. Hedger Atkinson artic - Hedger-Belvoir-DSC01205 Has Low loader with 'Classic Tarpaulin Sheeted load' with accommodation inside on neck, used to transport smaller truck with the van loaded on top.
- Austin BRY 186 - Year ? Hedger Austin Deliver van-Hedger-BelvoirDSC01206 Deliver Van from the Hedger collection of commercial vehicles
- Douglas Timber Tractor PUT 510 Knocker Year John Holman ? Douglas Timber Tractor (AEC Militant) - PUT 510 at Belvoir 08 - DSC01202 Converted AEC Militant based
- ERF EC11 W511 YKK - ? Owner ? ERF EC11 - W511 YKK and Stepfrane with ERF on at Belvoir 08 - DSC01191 Transport for Earlier classic ERF on triaxle step frame machinery trailer
- Foden Model ? JML 136K - Year ? Jeff Rowlett & Daughters Foden ? - Workshop unit - JML 136K at Belvoir 08 - DSC01207 Ex Metropolitan Water Board Mobile Workshop / recovery unit.
- Rotinoff Atlantic UAS 407 - 1957 Tony Jordan collection Rotinoff Atlantic UAS 407 at Belvoir One of only 22 built, ex Swiss Army
- Scammell Contractor HBB 775W Name Year ? Owner ? Scammell Contractor with tank transporter load - Belvoir-DSC01250 Demonstrating Heavy Haulage with a Centurion Tank load.
- Scammell Contractor WYO 293H M6206 Year ? Owner ? (Ex Pickfords) Scammell Contractor WYO 293H Retained in former operators livery
- Scammell Junior Constructor CVC 273C Yeoman Year Paul Hand ? Yeoman Volvo F89 - Scammell Resolute VXD 530 Yeoman CVC 273C at Belvoir 08 - DSC01200 Notes
- Scammell Junior Constructor VXD 530 Resolute Year Owner ? Yeoman Volvo F89 - Scammell Resolute VXD 530 Yeoman CVC 273C at Belvoir 08 - DSC01200 Ex Pickfords no. M2070
- Scammell S26 F300 PHN Evening Star 1988 Owner ? Scammell S26 at Belvoir 08 Last S26 Sold by Scammell. Rated for 300 ton GTW working
- Scania 142M BIG 7073 On a Highway to Hell Year ? Owner ? Scania Bonnetted and customised Customised truck
- Volvo F89 Reg no. ? - Year Owner ? Yeoman Volvo F89 - Scammell Resolute VXD 530 Yeoman CVC 273C at Belvoir 08 - DSC01200 Ex Yeoman Transport used to move classic Scammell
- Unipower Tractor LBM 640 Name Year Owner ? Unipower timber tractor 4-WD short wheel base with winch
- 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images

Cars (to be split off later)
- Hillman Imp SCT 706J - ? Owner ? Hilman Imp - SCT 706J at Belvoir 08 - DSC01190 Has a rear mounted slanted alloy engine.
- Pontiac GDA 842V - 1980 Owner ? Pontiac ? at Belvoir 08 -DSC01208 Classic American sports car
100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images

- Make & Model (no.) Reg no. ? Name Year Owner ? 100px Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki:Requested images


2007 Event[]

Belvoir Castle Steam Festival/2007

Past events[]

add details here of participants at the earlier events

See also[]

References / sources[]

Based on photos from the events and 2010 show guide

External links[]
