Tractor & Construction Plant Wiki

American Growler Inc is a firm originally based in Ocala, Florida, now in Robbins, North Carolina. For over ten years, it has built a line of Light Utility Vehicles partly derived from drivetrains from M151 MUTT Jeeps.[1] Versions range from $7,000 in price kit form, a $15,500 tactical dune buggy, and a $33,000 version sold to the Dominican Republic's military.

Light Strike Vehicle[]


Growler combat vehicle

Growler's most expensive model at over $100,000 each, is the Growler Light Strike vehicle.[2] It was specially designed to be transported in the small cargo hold of the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft along with the Expeditionary Fire Support System towed mortar.[3]

The V-22 cargo compartment is five feet wide, five feet tall and less than 17 feet in length. In 2005, the Marines planned to buy 400 of the vehicles in a contract that combined with the mortar system was expected to total $296 million.


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