Aitchison is a company based in New Zealand that manufactures and sells seeding and soil management implements. It was founded in 1985, by innovator Peter David Aitchison. It is widely distributed by PFG and is a top-seller in Australia and New Zealand.
The company has claimed many "firsts" for the introduction of new technologies that have greatly helped farmers becoming more effective and efficient. The company is noted for manufacturing the EasyFlow cultivators, EarthQuake areators, Agrispred fertiliser spreaders, and the Seedmatic direct seeders.
History []
Aitchison was founded by Peter Aitchison in 1984, to manufacture seeding and cultivation equipment.
In cultivation equipment the Easyflow cultivator became the first wideline trailed field cultivator, followed by the Earthquaker aerator and the Agrispred line of fertilizer spreaders. Many competitors followed these Aitchison products, but Aitchison is still one of the most prominent players in the market.
The company is best known for direct drilling, with a range of tine and disc drills which were originally introduced as specific highly effective pasture renovation tools. Such was the versatility of the Seedermatic direct seeder that it is now effectively used to sow everything from cereals to lucerne and brassicas. The Aitchison inverted T knock on/off boot opener was designed by founder Peter Aitchison in combination with Massey University more than 30 years ago and is still regarded as a benchmark for seeding results in just about any seeding environment.
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